
The weather is still a bit hot,
Let make a simple cold dish to eat.

成品: 1-2人
For: 1-2 PPL
烹調時間: 約1小時
Cooking Time: around 1 hrs

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材料 (1-2人) - Ingredients (1-2ppl)
2L帶子(生食用) 2L scallops (Sashimi Grade) - 3 pcs
無花果 Figs - 3 pcs
檸檬皮A Lemon zest A - 半個 Half
檸檬汁 Lemon juice – 1tbsp
蒔蘿A Dill A - 1條 stick
蒔蘿油醬 Dill oil sauce - 適量 QS
橙皮醬(可省略) Grapefruit and Pomelo Marmalade (Can Skip) - 適量 QS
食用金箔(可省略) Edible Gold leaf (Can Skip) - 適量 QS    

蒔蘿油醬 - Dill Oil Sauce:
蒔蘿B Dill B - 1條 Stick
檸檬皮B Lemon zest B–半個 Half
初榨橄欖油 Extra virgin olive oil – 2-3tbsp

做法 - Methods:
1. 蒔蘿油醬: 先清洗蒔蘿B, 拔出所有葉, 切碎, 刨入檸檬皮B, 加入初榨橄欖油, 拌勻, 待30分鐘, 待用;
   Dill oil sauce: First wash and clean dill B, then pick all the leaves of dill B, chop it, and grate in the lemon zest B, add virgin olive oil, mix well, infuse for 30 mins, set aside;

2. 先清洗蒔蘿A, 之後拔出所有葉, 待用;
   Wash and clean the dill A first, then pick all the leaves, set aside;

3. 先清洗無花果, 用刀把無花果切成薄片, 待用;
   Wash and clean the figs first, slice the figs into thin slices, and set aside;

4. 先清洗帶子, 用刀把帶子切成薄片, 待用;
   Wash and clean the Scallop, slice the scallops into thin slices, and set aside;

5. 組合: 先把檸檬汁倒在帶子上(每一塊都均勻沾上), 用無花果片和帶子片圍成一個圈, 在無花果片和帶子片上刨上檸檬皮A, 加上蒔蘿油醬, 之後放上蒔蘿A, 最後在中間加上橙皮醬和食用金箔, 即可。
   Combination: First pour the lemon juice on scallops (each piece is evenly dipped), make a circle with the fig slices and the scallop slices, grate the lemon zest A on top, and add Dill Oil Sauce. Then put dill A on the scallop slice, and finally add Marmalade and Gold leaf at the middle.


參考影片 - Refer to:
果醬教學|柚子 葡萄柚果醬 神奇果醬 配肉一流 提升鮮味 去油膩感 純素 (Eng Sub)
Grapefruit and Pomelo Marmalade Vegan


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    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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