Also known as double skin stewed milk.
A dessert from southern China, which is very famous in Guangdong.
it was Produced in Shunde, invented by Granny Dong who lived in Daliang in the 1850s.
份量 : 1碗 1人份
Serving : 1 person only
烹調時間: 約 30 分鐘
Cooking Time: around 30 mins
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材料 - Ingredients:
1隻(pc) 蛋白 Egg White (30-35g)
90 – 122.5g 水牛奶 Buffalo milk
少許QS 冰糖 Rock Sugar/Crystal Sugar
做法 - Methods:
1. 水牛奶加熱至90-100’C。倒入碗中。放涼,直到表面的牛奶膜凝固。
Heat the milk to 90-100’C. Pour on the bowl, and cool down. Until the skin is completed.
2. 把奶倒出,薄膜留於碗中。備用。
Pour the Milk out, leave the skin on the bowl.
3. 水牛奶放入冰糖,再次加熱。確認冰糖熔化。水牛奶再次放涼。
Add the sugar in the milk. Heat up until sugar melt. Cool down again.
4. 取出蛋白,打散。加入水牛奶混合。
Break up the egg white, place on the milk and mix.
5. 去除表面氣泡,慢慢倒回碗中。(不要破壞碗中奶膜!)
Remove the bubbles. Pour it back to the bowl (Don’t break the skin)
6. 大火蒸8-9分鍾。室外放涼,1-2分鍾, 讓第二層薄膜形成。
(High Heat) steam 8-9 mins. Cool down 1-2 mins, for the second skin complete.
水牛奶Buffalo milk
兩者由口感,顏色 濃淡度和营养价值完全不同。
It is from Buffalo, not the dairy cows. The texture, color, flavor, thickness and
nutritious are totally different. So they cannot replace with other.
每100毫升per 100ML 牛奶 dairy Milk 水牛奶 Buffalo milk
水 Water gm 86 80
蛋白質 Protein gm 3.26 3.68
脂肪 Fat gm 4.48 6.58
碳水化合物carbohydrate 4.94 8.39
鈣Calcium mg 118 121
磷Phosphorus mg 96.5 86.9
NIN Indian Food Composition Tables 22017
順德大良雙皮奶是由水牛奶制造! 不是由牛奶。
And the originally double skin stewed milk is from Buffalo milk, not the dairy milk.
Music Smile from bensound.com