法式水果軟糖. (手殘都可做)
French Fruit Jelly. (Zero failure)
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成量: 直徑 3cm半圓模 , 約30個
30pcs (about 3cm dia Semicircular mold)
難度: 入門-初級
Difficulty: Beginner
制作時間: 1小時內
Cooking time: within 1hour
材料: *成品酸度較高 Sour Taste
190g  百香果果茸 Passion Fruit Puree
4g      黃果膠 yellow Pectin
17g    白糖 caster sugar
190g  白糖 caster sugar
56g    葡萄糖水 Liquid Glucose
3.5g   檸汁 Lemon Juice
QS     砂糖 Granulated Sugar
1 果茸煮至40"C
   Boil the puree to 40'c
2 黃果膠和白砂糖預先融合, 倒入果茸中, 否則黃果膠遇水便會起粒塊
   Mix well yellow pectin and sugar together before adding. Otherwise it will lumpy when pectin meets water
3 加入葡萄糖, 攪伴直到融化
   Pour and mixed well the Liquid Glucose
4 融化後 分3次倒入白砂糖
   Slowly add the sugar in three additions while whisking
5 人茸煮至105-107"C, 溫度的高低和煮熟時間會決定水果糖的軟硬度, 所以同一個的食譜 每個人的成品也會不同
Boil it to 105-107'C, The temperature and the cooking time will effect the hardness of the Jelly. So the same recipe will case different result for everyone.
6 當溫度到105"C, 我們便要準備手上的用品, 一個模具 (如果家沒有模具 便可用正方盤子) 和一個量杯
   When the temperature reaches 105 "C, We start to prepare the equipment: A mold (or a square tray) and a measuring cup
7 107'C 關火 加入檸汁攪伴
   Turn off the heat when reaching 107'c and add lemon juice. And we only have 10 mins to finish it
8 當果茸離火後 我們大約只有10分鐘完成, 立即倒入量杯 再倒入模具中, 如果使用正方盤子 立即倒入便可 (不用使用量杯)
   Pour into the measuring cu and then into the mold. Or Pour into the tray with sides lined with a geitter sheet.
9 放至室溫冷郤, 千萬不要放入冷箱冷卻
   Leave at room temperature to set. Don’t store in fridge for setting
10 冷郤半天的軟糖 便可脫模, 水果軟糖 薄薄地 占上砂糖 便完成了, 如果你想減甜度 也可選擇 不占任何砂糖 , *但出水量會比較多*
    Once set, coast the Jelly in a layer of sugar, Or without any coasting, but this may cause a bit sweating
    創作者 蝸煮 的頭像

    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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