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何為好吃的琥珀合桃? 當然糖要脆 果肉也要乾身!
Finally done!  The contemplation of Crystallization!
What is a delicious Caramelized Walnut? Of course, the sugar must be crispy and the flesh must be dried!
難度:入門 -初級
準備時間: 2-3日
Difficulty: Beginner
Preparation time: 2-3 days
Details on Youtube:
184g    合桃     Walnuts
40g      水         Water
120g    白糖     Caster sugar
20g      蜜糖     Honey
QS       白芝麻 White Sesame
Day 1:
1 街市買回來的合桃較多雜質, 所以要放至沸水中, 去除雜質
但千萬不用把合桃煮熟, 否則需長時間烘至乾身
If nuts are bought from wet market, we need to put nuts in boiling water to remove impurities.
Never overcooking. Otherwise it will take a long time to dry out.
2 撈出 , 瀝水, 進行日曬
Take out from water and drain.
Day 2:
合桃日曬中時 (時間需根據合桃的乾身情度, 大約2-3日, 愈乾身愈好)
*或 從超級市場買已烘乾合桃 便不用日曬步驟 , 可直接入爐*
Do the natural dry processing under sunshine. Time depends on the dryness of nuts and the weather.
*If you feel it is time-consuming, you can buy dried walnuts directly from baking shop*

Day 3:
1 炒白芝麻
白鑊炒 : 無油, 無水, 無糖 炒至微黃色和傳出香味
Roasting white sesame seeds without any water, oil or sugar
Until slightly yellow color

2 合桃放入烤爐中, 溫度140'C 大約20-30 分鐘 , 直到傳出香氣和合桃乾透
*合桃放在烤爐中 保持溫暖*
Nuts baked at 140'C, approcimately 20-30 minutes, until they are roasted

3 水, 蜜糖, 白糖 一起烹煮至118'C, 然後立即關火
把溫暖的合桃放入, 快速攪拌
直到出現結晶化 (反沙)
Cook the caster suger, water and honey together to 118'C. Turn off the heat as soon as the syrups reaches 118'C.
Put warm nuts in and stir.

4 當糖轉為結晶化, 和已把全部合桃包裏時, 轉小火
結晶糖會重新融化, 開始變為焦糖
*這時候 不要大用攪拌, 否則糖會再次結晶*
Once the nuts are coasted with a white sandy coasting around.
Turn the heat back.
Stir the nusts over a low flame very gently
*If you stir them in too quickly, the suar will crystallise around again*

5 全部糖已變為焦糖時, 放入 2-3G的鹽和白芝麻, 攪混
芝麻多少 便隨你喜歡
Sugar begin to melt, and nuts will begin to color. Put 2-3g salt and roasted sesame seeds in

6 轉至另一托盤上, 立即把每粒分開
Pour the nuts onto a lined tray, let them cool at roon tempature.
Brake it up

7 再次入烤爐 110"C (低溫烘焙) 大約1-2 小時
如之前的合桃乾身不足, 這是最後機會把大部份水份抽乾
Bake again at 110'c for 1-2 hour to enaure all the water in the nuts are fry out

8 烘乾後, 把成品從烤爐拿出, 放涼
After baked, let them cool at roon tempature.
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