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羊架 x 1包
Lamb Rack x 1 pk
醃料 - Marinade:
洋蔥 x 1 個
Onion x 1 pcs
油 - 100ml
oil x 100ml
蒜頭 x 3粒
Garlic x 3pcs
紅蔥頭 x 2粒
Shallot x 2pcs
迷迭香x 1湯匙
Rosemary x 1 tbsp
薄荷x 0.5湯匙
Mint x 0.5 tbsp
百里香x 1湯匙
Thyme x 1 tbsp
紅甜椒粉x 0.5湯匙
Parprika x 0.5 tbsp
卡宴辣椒粉x 1茶匙
Cayenne pepper x 1 tsp
黑胡椒粒x 1茶匙
Black peppercorn x 1 tsp
蜜糖x 2湯匙
Honey x 2 tbsp
煙燻蘋果木屑 - 一手
Apple Wood Chips - Handful
芒果醬 - Mango Sauce:
芒果 x 1個
Mango x 1 pcs
薄荷葉 x 15-20片
Mint leaves x 15-20 leaves
青檸汁 x 30ml
Lime Juice x 30ml
鹽 x 適量
Salt x noted
做法 - Method:
1. 先用鹽醃羊架1小時;
   Marinaded the lamb rack with salt for 1 hour first;
2. 洋蔥切條備用;
   Slices the onion;
3. 先用手提攪拌機把蒜頭和紅蔥頭攪拌, 之後加入迷迭香, 薄荷, 百里香, 紅甜椒粉, 卡宴辣椒粉和黑胡椒粒, 然後一邊加入油一邊攪拌, 最後加入蜜糖然後再攪拌一陣, 直至所有材料攪勻
   Blended the garlic and shallot first, then add rosemary, mint, thyme, Paprika, Cayenne Pepper and black peppercorns, then add oil while blending, and finally add honey and blended for a while, until all the ingredients are mixed well;
4. 羊架醃了一小時之後, 準備一個盤, 把羊架放入, 之後用醃料均勻地搽在羊架上, 然後加入洋蔥醃羊架最少六小時;
   After the lamb rack is marinated for one hour, prepare a mixing bowl, put the lamb rack in, and then marinade the lamb rack evenly with the mixture , then put the onion in, marinade at least six hours;
5. 準備芒果配料, 先把芒果切粒, 然後把薄荷葉切成絲, 之後將芒果粒, 薄荷葉和青檸汁攪勻, 加入鹽調味, 最後放入雪櫃中最少兩小時;
   Prepare mango side dish, first cut the mango into Macedoine, then cut the mint leaves into Julienne, then mixing with the mango, mint leaves and lime juice, add salt to season, and put in the refrigerator for at least two hours;
6. 六小時之後, 預熱焗爐最高溫度(本人的焗爐最高為230c), 取出羊架同時要清除羊架上的洋蔥, 把羊架放在烤架上再放在烤盤中, 另外用錫紙摺成一個碗狀, 加入煙燻用蘋果木, 然後燒著,之後熄滅火焰, 把冒煙霧中的蘋果木放在羊架的烤盤中, 然後一齊放入焗爐烤約30-40分鐘, 視乎熟度;
   After six hours, preheat the highest temperature of the oven (the highest temperature of my oven is 230c), take out the lamb rack and remove the onions at the same time, put the lamb rack on the baking rack and then place it on the baking tray. Fold into a bowl with foil, add Apple Wood Chips and burn it, then extinguish the flame, put the smoked chips bowl in baking tray with Lamb Rack, and then place them into oven for about 30-40mins, depends of doneness;
7.30-40分鐘之後, 把羊架取出, 準備一個大盤, 同時準備一個小錫紙盤, 在小錫紙盤中放入煙燻用蘋果木,然後燒著,之後熄滅火焰, 把羊架連烤架一齊放在冒煙中的蘋果木上, 蓋上錫紙, 煙燻約30分鐘;
  30-40 minutes later, take out the lamb rack, prepare a large mixing bowl, and prepare a small foil tin, put the smoked apple wood in the small foil tray, and burn it, then put out the flame, and put the lamb rack with the baking rack on the smoking apple wood, cover it with foil, and smoked for about 30 minutes;
8. 30分鐘之後取出, 把羊架順著羊骨切成塊狀, 最後加上芒果配料, 即可一齊食用。
   Remove it after 30 minutes, cut the lamb rack into pieces along the lamb bone, and add the mango side dish on the meat to serve together.
    創作者 蝸煮 的頭像

    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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