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第一層是杏仁奶油餡 First layer is Frangipane
第二層是吉士餡 Second layer is Pastry Cream
第三層是芒果肉 Third layer is Mango
原食譜來由 frank hassnoot,
請到他的 Instgam and facbook
The original recipe from frank haasnoot,
Please go to his Instagram and facbook
成品: 直徑 8cm 塔 (4-6個)
8cm dia tart (4-6pcs)
難度: 高級
Upper-intermediate Level
制作時間: 30分鍾 (等待時間3-4小時)
Cooking time: 30mins (resting time:3-4hrs)
Detail on YouTube:
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沙布列塔皮 Pate sable
15g 杏仁粉 Almond powder
28g 粟粉 Corn starch
96g 中筋麵粉 All purpose flour
1g 鹽 Salt
48g 糖霜 Icing sugar
51g 無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter
28g 雞蛋 Egg

杏仁奶油餡 Frangipane
30g 無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter
30g 白砂糖 Granulated Sugar
30g 杏仁粉 Almond powder
33g 雞蛋 Egg
6g 中筋麵粉 All purpose flour
1/2 pcs 檸皮 Lemond Zest

吉士餡 Pastry Cream
132g 牛奶 Milk
8g 中筋麵粉 All purpose flour
36g 白砂糖 Granulated Sugar
6g 粟粉 Corn starch
48g 蛋黃 Egg yolks
14g 無鹽牛油 unsalted butter

香緹奶油 Creme chantilly
150g 鮮奶油 Whipped cream
15g 糖霜 Icing sugar

內餡 Insert
2-3pcs 芒果(大) Mango (Large)
QS 開心果碎 Pistácios
沙布列塔皮 - Pate sable 
1 先把牛油打至軟身, 加入 杏仁粉,糖霜,粟粉, 蛋液要少許好許的倒入,否則粉吸收不了,便要起粒顆, 另一半蛋液倒入 加鹽一起攪伴 直到順滑, 最後加入麵粉,把材料混合便可以了.
   Soften the butter, Add almond powder icing sugar corn starch and salt to mix, Then the egg little by little in the mixer, until smooth, Add flour at last. Stop mixing, once the pastry has come together
2 把塔皮擀開 2-3mm, 皮放入冰箱,休息時間最少2-3小時
   Roll the pastry into 2-3mm, Put in fridge, rest at least 2-3 hours.
3 準備塔模, 直徑為8cm 厚度2cm
   Prepare a 8 cam diameter and 2cm thick tart mold
4 切直綫 闊度: 2.5-3cm, 直徑6-6.5cm 的圓形底
   Cut a dough with 2.5-3cm for widthness, and a round bottom with 6-6.5cm diameter
5 皮邊放入, 把皮和模邊完整壓貼, 底皮放入,以手指輕壓,直到交接處沒有空隙, 去除多餘邊位
打孔. 塔皮再放入冰箱,2-3小時
   Put the side and bottom dough in, Press completely with your fingers, Remove excess dough, Make holes,
Put in fridge again, rest 2-3 hours.
杏仁奶油餡 - Frangipane 
1 牛油打至軟身,加入白砂糖, 雞蛋, 杏仁粉和麵粉 及半個檸皮, 攪至均勻, 確保無粒塊, 順滑, 放入雪箱, 備用
   Soften the butter and add the Granulated Sugar, egg almond powder, flour and lemon zest, Mix until no lumps, Put in fridge
吉士餡  - Pastry cream
 1 牛奶 加熱, 麵粉,粟粉,糖 和蛋攪伴均勻, 牛奶沸騰後熄火,倒入蛋糊中 攪伴均勻
然後再倒鍋中, 中火加熱 過程要不斷攪伴 留意鍋底, 離火,加入牛油,攪伴至融化, 放入冰箱,備用
    Boil the milk in the saucepan, Mix the flour corn starch, icing sugar with the eggs, Pour the boiled milk over the mixer and whisk again, Place it back into the saucepan, whisk until it reboils, Off the fire, Add in the butter, whip until combine, Put in fridge
芒果內餡 - Insert
1 芒果去皮,切一半, 一個切6.5cm圓形, 另一個為直徑7cm圓形, 餘下芒果切粒,
   Mango peeled and cut in half, Cut 1 pc for 6.5cm round and 1 for 7cm round, Diced remaining mango
集合 - Assembly
1 剛烘焙的塔先放涼, 鋪入芒果粒和開心果碎
   Cool down the baked shell, Spread mango dice and crushed pistachios in
2 加入杏仁奶油餡, 份量只加至一半, 掃平表麵, 整理邊位, 入爐 170'c 10-15分鐘
   Fill Frangipane, Only half of the tart, Flattened surface and clear the side, Bake 170'c 10-15 mins
3 吉士餡打軟身, 加入塔中, 再次掃平表麵, 整理邊位
   Soften the pastry cream, Pour in, Flattened surface and clear the side
4 放入6.5cm芒果,一個放7cm 芒果
   Put 6.5cm and 7cm round mango on a tart, Then 7cm mango tart finished
5 鮮奶油和糖霜一起打發至硬性發泡, 放入擠花袋中
   Cream and icing sugar whip together until stiff peaks, Put in the pipping bag
6 芒果塔一定要放入冰箱變硬, 才可四周擠上花紋
   The mango tart must put in the fridge before pipping, Pipe it as you like
    創作者 蝸煮 的頭像

    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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