
醬汁篇|自制紅咖喱 - Homemade Red Curry Paste
紅咖喱, 大家去泰式餐館都會見過,
Red curry, everyone can find it in Thai restaurants,
This time we will make Red Curry Paste~~~

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成品: 約250g

For : 250g

材料 - Ingredients:
芫茜籽 (Coriander Seeds) - 10g
黑椒粒 (Black Peppercorn) - 5g
小茴香粉 (Cumin Powder) - 10g
海鹽/粗鹽 (Sea salt/Coarse salt) - 15g
辣椒(去籽) (Chili (Seedless))- 20g
香矛 (Lemongrass) - 85g
紅蔥頭 (Shallots) - 30g
蒜頭 (Garlic) - 20g
南薑 (Galangal) - 20g
青檸皮 (Lime Zest) - 1個 (PCS)
青檸汁 (Lime Juice) - 1個 (PCS)
檸檬葉 (Kaffir Leaves) - 1塊 (piece)
甜椒粉 (Paprika) - 5g
黑糖 (Light Muscovado Sugar) - 10g
蕃茄膏 (Tomato paste) - 20g
油 (Oil) - 6tbsp

做法 - Methods:
1. 先把 芫茜籽 和 黑椒粒 用白鑊和中火炒至乾身和香味溢出, 備用;
First fry Coriander Seeds and Black Peppercorn with dry pan and mid heat until dry and bring out the flavor, set aside;

2. 南薑 去皮切粒, 紅蔥頭 和 蒜頭 切片, 辣椒 去籽切段, 香矛 去除外層切段, 檸檬葉 去梗切絲, 備用;
Peeled and diced Galangal, sliced Shallots and garlic, chili unseeded and cut into pieces, Lemongrass removed first layer and cut into pieces, Kaffir Leaves remove veins and Julienne, set aside;

3. 準備攪拌機, 先加入 芫茜籽, 黑椒粒, 小茴香粉, 海鹽/粗鹽, 甜椒粉 和 黑糖 打勻, 加入 辣椒, 香矛, 紅蔥頭, 蒜頭, 南薑, 青檸皮, 青檸汁, 檸檬葉 和 蕃茄膏 打勻, 加入 油 打至成泥狀;
Prepare the blender, add Coriander seeds, Black Peppercorn, Cumin Powder, Sea salt/Coarse salt, Paprika and Light Muscovado Sugar, mix well, add Chili, Lemongrass, Shallot, Garlic, Galangal, Lime Zest, Lime Juice, Kaffir Leaves and Tomato Paste, mix well, add Oil to blend until become paste;

4. 倒出, 放入器皿儲存。
Pour it out and put it in a container for storage.

P.S. 放在雪櫃中, 可保存1星期,
放在冰格中, 可保存1個月。
Can be stored in refrigerator for 1 week,
Can be stored in Freezer for 1 month.


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    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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