
This time we will Sous Vide Pork Ribs,
The effect is as delicious as the restaurant~~~
製作時間: 2天(慢煮 24小時)
Process Time: 2 Days (Sous Vide 24hrs)
Detail on YouTube:
參考影片 - Refere to:
1. 醬汁篇|自制燒烤醬 (Eng Sub) - Homemade Barbecue Sauce
2. 簡易|自制簡易炸薯角 (Eng Sub) - Homemade Potato Wedges
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材料 - Ingredients:
豬肋骨 - 1條
Pork Ribs - 1 Rack
燒烤醬/自制燒烤醬 (A) - 100ml
BBQ Sauce/Homemade BBQ Sauce (A)-100ml
燒烤醬/自制燒烤醬 (B) - 200ml
BBQ Sauce/Homemade BBQ Sauce (B)-200ml
醃料 - Marinade:
芫茜籽 - 3 TBSP
Coriander Seeds - 3 TBSP
鹽 - 1.5 TBSP
Salt - 1.5 TBSP
乾百里香 - 1 TBSP
Dried Thyme - 1 TBSP
乾迷迭香 - 1 TBSP
Dried rosemary - 1 TBSP
甜紅椒粉 - 4 TBSP
Paprika - 4 TBSP
辣椒粉 - 1 TBSP
Chili powder - 1 TBSP
蒜粉 - 2 TBSP
Garlic powder - 2 TBSP
原庶黑糖 - 1 TBSP
Light Muscovado Sugar - 1 TBSP
黑椒粒 - 1 TBSP
Black Pepper Grains - 1 TBSP
做法 - Methods:
1. 先把 豬肋骨 的骨膜去掉, 之後對半切開, 備用;
   Remove the membrane of Pork Ribs first, then cut in half and set aside;
2. 準備乾磨器, 把 醃料 的材料全部加進後, 打成粉, 備用;
   Prepare a grinder, add all the ingredients of the marinade, blend into powder, and set aside;
3. 把打成粉的 醃料 均勻地抹上豬肋骨的2面, 然後放入真空袋, 用65c 慢煮 24小時;
   Spread the powdered marinade evenly on both sides of the pork ribs, then put in a vacuum bag and Sous Vide with 65c for 24 hrs;
4. 24小時後, 取出, 放在冰水中冷卻, 之後倒出汁液, 備用;
   After 24 hrs, take it out, ice bath to cool down, then pour out the juice and set aside;
5. 預熱焗爐 230c, 用上火模式, 先用 燒烤醬/自制燒烤醬 (B) 均勻地搽上 豬肋骨 的表面, 然後放入焗爐 20-30分鐘;
   Preheat the oven 230c, using upper-heat mode, first brush the BBQ sauce/Homemade BBQ sauce (B) evenly on the pork ribs, and then put into the oven for 20-30 minutes;
參考影片 - Refere to:
1. 醬汁篇|自制燒烤醬 (Eng Sub) - Homemade Barbecue Sauce
6. 豬汁: 準備小鍋, 加入 豬肋骨 的汁液 和 燒烤醬/自制燒烤醬 (A), 煮至微滾 和拌勻, 倒出;
   Pork Sauce: Prepare a small pot, add the juice of pork ribs and BBQ sauce/Homemade BBQ sauce (A), cook until slightly boil and mix well, pour out;
7. 20-30分鐘之後, 取山 豬肋骨, 再在表面 均勻地搽上 燒烤醬/自制燒烤醬 (B), 即可。
   After 20-30 minutes, take out the pork ribs, and evenly brush the rest of BBQ sauce/Homemade BBQ sauce (B) on the pork ribs.
Can Serve with Pork Sauce
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    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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