name - 複製.png

功效 :
 According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it has the effects of quenching thirst, warming the spleen, lowering the qi, relieving vomiting, replenishing the gallbladder, thickening the intestines, relieving Jiao, and relieving the poison of hundred medicines.
Contains a large amount of gamma vitamins, protein and trace iron, and has the functions of beautifying, strengthening the stomach and strengthening the body.
The back of the leaf secretes a mucus material similar to agar. It has anti-vomiting, anti-diarrhea, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects.

註 :
Note :
It is cold and slippery in nature. If you eat too much, it is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, get cold, and damage the fur. People with weak spleen and stomach should not eat too much. Women who are menstruating and pregnant women should eat less.

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蒓菜:Brasenia schreberi (Brasenia schreberi J.F.Gmel.)
別名 :馬蹄草、屏風、水葵、馬栗草
Aliases: horseshoe grass, screen, water anemone, horse chestnut

烹調時間: 半小時
Cooking time: 30 min

材料(3 人) -  Ingredients (For 3 ppl):
1包 (pack) 蒓菜 Brasenia schreberi
1 條鱸魚 Striped Bass
3 片薑 Slices Ginger
2 匙 (Tbsp) 自製無味精雞高湯Homemade MSG-free Chicken Stock
1.5    L清水Water

做法 – Method:
1.    鱸魚起頭及骨, 放入清水中, 中火煲約20分鐘
De-bone the Striped Bass. Add bone in 1.5L water, and boil for 20 minutes (medium heat)

2.    滾 20 分鐘後, 夾起鱸魚骨及頭
After 20 minutes, pick up the bones and heads. 

3.    鱸魚起片, 用鹽、油 醃
Sliced the Fish and pickled with with salt and oil 

4.    放入魚片及雞高湯
Add sliced fish and homemade chicken stock in the soup

參考影片 - Refer to:
高湯制作 How to make the Chicken Soup

5.    滾起, 放入蒓菜
Add Brasenia schreberi in, after water boiling

6.    滾1分鐘,熄火. 待 5分鐘
Boil for 1 minute. Off Fire, and wait for 5 minutes


中國長江以南多野生,也有少量人工栽培。主產於浙江、江蘇兩省太湖流域和湖北省,4 月下旬至10 月下旬採摘帶有卷葉的嫩梢。夏天開花,花小,暗紅色。



The famous dish in Suzhou and Hangzhou belongs to the Nymphaeaceae family. It has a warm nature and is suitable for growing in clear water pools. It floats on the water. The leaves of the cypress are oval, dark green, floating on the water, like mini lotus leaves.
It is as famous as Jiaobai and Perch, and it is also known as the three famous dishes in Jiangnan, known as the national banquet treasure.
South of the Yangtze River in China is mostly wild, and there are also a small amount of artificial cultivation. It is mainly produced in the Taihu Lake Basin of Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces and Hubei Province. Tender shoots with rolled leaves are picked from late April to late October. It blooms in summer, the flowers are small and dark red.
It is eaten in spring and summer, and the leaves are small and slightly bitter. 

Only eats its tender leaves and young stems. It is tasteless. It depends on other ingredients to serve it. It is better than the taste, deliciousness and tenderness. It is most suitable for cooking with fish. There is a fish ball soup in Hangzhou cuisine, which is to put in burdock.


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    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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