name - 複製.jpg

Velvet mushroom contains high protein, multiple amino acids, and low fat content. It also contains trace elements such as zinc, copper and selenium that are beneficial to the human body, as well as a large amount of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and niacin, which have high nutritional value. Experts believe that its value is comparable to deer antler, so they named it "deer antler mushroom."

“聞則松茸,食則鹿茸”-  日本古老的農諺
 Smelt Matsutake, Eat Deer Antler"- Japanese old farm proverb

效用 : 
補腎養肝、護肝解毒、補腎益精、強筋骨、抗衰老、滋補強壯,扶正固本,增強免疫、鎮定安神、降低膽固醇、降血壓,抗糖尿病、抗腫瘤、延緩衰老、主治冠心病,高血壓,白細胞減少症,糖尿病,過敏症等,對過敏源,比如皮膚炎,也有很好的抵抗作用 。
Invigorate the kidney and liver, protect the liver and detoxify, invigorate the kidney and essence, strengthen muscles and bones, anti-aging, nourish and strengthen, strengthen the body, strengthen immunity, calm the nerves, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, anti-diabetics, anti-tumor, delay aging, and treat coronary heart disease, Hypertension, leukopenia, diabetes, allergies, etc., also have a good resistance to allergens, such as dermatitis.

不宜: 痛風者
Not suitable for People with gout

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時間 :  1 小時10分鐘
Cooking time: 1hr 10min

材料 (3 人) - Ingredients (3 ppl):
45g 乾鹿茸菇 Dried Velvet Mushroom
160g 豬脊骨 pork back bone
208g 豬肉眼 pork rib eye
2 粒 乾無花果 (希臘) Dried figs (Greece)
2 片 老薑 sliced ginger
1/3角 陳皮 tangerine
1.5 L 清水Water

做法 - Methods:
1.    先浸乾鹿茸菇 10 分鐘,沖洗。(查看碗底有沙否? )
Soak dried velvet mushrooms for 10 minutes. Then wash and check if any sand at the bottom of the bowl)

2.    豬脊骨、豬肉眼,在滾水中出水。
Put Pork spine and pork eyes out of boiling water. Until water boiled again, Put out the meat and wash. 

3.    1.5 L 水沸騰,放入汆了水的豬脊骨 豬肉眼,無花果。轉大火。
Put the pork spine, pork eyes, and figs in the 900ml boiling water. Turn to high heat.

4.    煲35分鐘後,放入浸軟了的鹿茸菇。
Put the velvet antler mushroom in, after 35 minutes of boiling

5.    (轉中火)煲 25分鐘。
(Turn to med heat ) Cook for 25 minutes

6.    熄火, 留10分鐘後可飲用
Fire off and and leave for 10 minutes. 



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    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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