
After the last time the Beetroot Tartart,
This time we will use beetroot to make another dish~~~

烹調時間: 約3小時
Cooking Time: around 3 hrs

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材料(3人) - Ingredients (3 ppl):
主材料 – Main Ingredients:
紅菜頭 Beetroot - 1個 pcs
橙 Orange – 1個 pcs
西柚 Grapefruit - 1個 pcs
牛油生菜 Butter Lettuce - 1棵 stalk
九芽生菜 Frisee Lettuce - 1棵 stalk
百里香 Thyme – 2tbsp
蒜頭 Garlic - 2瓣
粗鹽 Coarse salt – 500g
油 Oil - 適量 QS

糖漬橙皮 - Candied Orange Peel:
橙皮(切橙肉時保留) Orange Peel (keep from cutting orange) - 1個 pcs
糖 Sugar – 100g
水 Water – 100g

油醋醬 Vinaigrette:
芥末粉 Mustard powder – 1 tsp
紅酒醋 Red wine vinegar – 2 tbsp
初榨橄欖油 Virgin olive oil – 2 tbsp
鹽 Salt - 適量 QS
楓樹糖漿 Maple syrup – 1 tsp

做法 - Methods:
1. 預熱焗爐至230c, 先清洗 紅菜頭 和把 蒜頭 拍扁,平均地把 粗鹽 倒在焗盤上, 放入 紅菜頭, 蒜頭 和 百里香, 加 油 在 紅菜頭上, 蓋上錫紙, 放入焗爐焗1.5-2小時或至軟身(視乎 紅菜頭 大小);
   Preheat the oven to 230c, wash and clean the beetroot and smash the garlic first , put the coarse salt on baking tray evenly, add the beetroot, garlic and thyme, pour oil on the beetroot, and cover with foil. Bake it for 1.5-2 hours or until soften (depending on the size of the beetroot);

2. 把 西柚 和 橙 去皮(保留 橙皮), 取出果肉和切半, 備用;
   Peel the grapefruit and orange (keep the orange peel), remove the pulp and cut in half, set aside;

3. 把 橙皮 上白色部分切去, 之後切絲, 切絲後放入小鍋內, 放入冷水煮至大滾後, 倒出所有水, 再放入冷水, 重複做3-5次, 最後就可以取出所有 橙皮, 備用;
   Cut off the white part of the orange peel, then shred, then put into a small pot, add cold water and bring to boil, drained it when boiling, and then add cold water and bring to boil again, repeat 3-5 times, and finally drain it and set aside;

4. 糖漬橙皮: 準備小鍋, 放入 糖 和 水, 先煮至大滾和 糖 完全溶化, 放入所有 橙皮絲 煮至半透明, 之後連 糖液 一起倒出, 放入雪櫃待涼, 備用;
   Candied orange peel: prepare a small pot, add sugar and water, bring to boiling and all sugar is completely melted, add all orange peel in and cook until translucent, then pour out with the sugar liquid, and put into refrigerator until cool;

5. 紅菜頭 焗了1.5-2小時或至軟身後, 取出去皮, 之成切成一口的大小, 放入雪櫃待涼, 備用;
   The beetroot was baked for 1.5-2 hours or until soft, remove the skin, cut into bite-sized pieces, put into refrigerator to cooling, and set aside;

6. 先清洗 九芽生菜 和 牛油生菜, 之後先把 九芽生菜 底部切去, 把粗的梗去掉, 牛油生菜 去芯和梗, 備用;
   Wash the Frisee Lettuce and Butter Lettuce first, then cut off the bottom of the Frisee Lettuce, remove the thick stems, remove the core and stems of the butter lettuce, and set aside;

7. 油醋醬: 把所有 材料 加在一起, 拌勻, 備用;
   Vinaigrette: Add all the ingredients together, mix well, and set aside;
8. 上碟: 先放上 紅葉頭, 之後 西柚, 九芽生菜, 牛油生菜 和 橙, 然後在 紅葉頭 上放上 糖漬橙皮, 最後加上 油醋醬, 即可。
   Plating: Put the beetroot first, then grapefruit, frisee lettuce, butter lettuce and orange, then put the candied orange peel on the beetroot, and add vinaigrette at the end.


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    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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