
Are there crab shells and crab meat left at home?
Let's make stuffed crab shells~~~

烹調時間: 約1小時
Cooking Time: around 1 hrs

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材料(4個) - Ingredients(4 pcs):
蟹蓋 Crab Shell - 4個
面包糠 Bread crumbs – 20g
巴馬臣芝士碎 Parmesan cheese shredded – 20g

餡料 - Filling:
蟹肉 Crab meat – 200g
洋蔥 Onion – 80g
磨菇 Mushroom – 60g
咖喱粉 Curry powder – 4g
牛油 Butter – 40g
瑞可塔芝士 Ricotta Cheese – 150g
鹽和黑椒粉 Salt and black pepper powder - 適量 QS

做法 - Methods:
1. 先清洗蟹蓋, 備用;
   Wash and Clean the crab shell first and set aside;

2. 先把磨菇去腳, 把洋蔥和磨菇去皮和切粒, 備用;
   Remove the feet of the mushrooms, to peel and dice the onions and mushrooms, and set aside;

3. 準備炒鑊, 放入牛油用小火溶化, 牛油完全溶化後轉大火燒熱, 加入洋蔥粒炒至軟化, 之後加入磨菇粒炒至乾身, 然後加入蟹肉炒至和其他材料完全混合, 加入鹽和黑椒粉, 最後倒出冷卻;
   Prepare to frying pan, put the butter and melt it with low fire. When butter is completely melted, turn to high heat and heat up. Add the diced onion and sauté until soften, then add the diced mushroom and sauté until dry. Add crab meat and mix with other ingredients completely, seasoning with salt and black pepper powder, and finally pour out to cooling down;

4. 當蟹肉料冷卻後, 加入瑞可達芝士, 混合, 備用;
   When the crab meat filling has cooled down, add Ricotta Cheese and mixed well, set aside;

5. 把面包糠和巴馬臣芝士碎混合, 備用;
   Mix the breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese, set aside;

6. 先用餡料填滿蟹蓋, 之後用芝士面包糠在餡料的表面鋪上薄薄一層(要輕輕壓才黏實);
   First fill the crab shell with the filling, and then spread a thin layer of cheese bread crumbs on top of the filling (Need to press it lightly to stick hardly);

7. 預熱焗爐至180c 上火模式, 把已填滿的蟹蓋放入(要放在最上層), 焗10-15分鐘或至表面的芝士面包糠已變脆, 彼之後取出, 可直接享用。
   Preheat the oven to 180c and using upper heating mode, put the filled crab shell in(Put on the top level), and bake for 10-15 minutes or until the cheese breadcrumbs  become crispy, then take it out. Serve it.


參考影片 - Refer to: 
1. 簡易篇|簡易芝心炸豬扒 (Eng Sub) - Fried Pork Chop with Cheese

2. 他鄉美味|秋之蟹宴: 蟹釀橙 古代宮廷菜 杭州菜 (Eng Sub) - Autumn Crab Dish: Crab Stuffed Orange Traditional Chinese Dish

3. 主菜篇|秋之蟹宴二:蟹肉意大利雲吞 (Eng Sub) -  Autumn Crab Feast 2: Homemade Crab Ravioli

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    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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