
Name + Water copy.png

《惠崇春江晚景》 宋‧蘇軾
"Inscription on Huichong's Painting of a Spring River" Su Shi
Beyond the bamboo grove, several peach trees are in bloom,
The river is getting warm, the ducks will first to know.

It is not dry because of the water duck tonic and can strengthen the body. It can be eaten by the general population, but it is necessary to cook a variety of dietary treatments according to their own health conditions. 

效用 : 
滋補五臟之陽、清虛勞之熱、適用於上火、清熱去火、營養不良、補中益氣、大補虛勞、消食和胃、利水消腫、解毒、病後體質虛弱、食欲不振、温中益氣、滋肝養氣、抵抗腳氣病、神經炎、抗衰老、保護心臟、補血行水、養胃生津、清熱健脾、虚弱浮腫、大便乾燥 、水腫。
Nourishes the yang of the five internal organs, clears the heat of deficiency and labor, is suitable for getting angry, clearing heat and removing fire, malnutrition, nourishing the middle and nourishing qi, replenishing deficiency, digestion and stomach, diuresis and swelling, detoxification, weak physical fitness after illness, loss of appetite, Warm middle energy and nourish qi, nourish liver and nourish qi, resist beriberi, neuritis, anti-aging, protect heart, nourish blood and promote water, nourish stomach and nourish fluid, clear heat and invigorate spleen, weakness and swelling, dry stool, edema.

People who are not suitable for consumption:
Patients with diarrhea, chronic enteritis, cold stomach pain, low back pain, cold dysmenorrhea, arteriosclerosis, and colds.

成品: 4 人
For: 4 ppl
烹調時間: 2小時10分
Cooking Time: 2 hr 10min

Detail on YouTube:

材料 - Ingredients:
1 隻 pcs (720g) 水鴨 Teal
30g 蟲草花 Cordyceps Flower
340g XXL美國螺頭 (急凍) XXL US Yellow Conch
402g 豬腱骨 Pork Tendon Bone
3 粒 pcs 椰棗 Date Palm
10 片  sliced 薑 Ginger
4 L 清水 Water 
380ml 浸金蟲草花水 Soaked Water of Cordyceps Flower

方法 : Method:
1. 沖洗蟲草花, 浸水, 備用
    Wash and clean the cordyceps flower and soak in water, and set aside; 

2. 沖洗水鴨內外, 切去鴨屁股, 加薑片在水中煲至水滾, 放入水鴨焯一焯, 之後沖中至冷卻, 之後用鉗拔毛, 備用; 
   Wash and clean the teal, cut off the butt of teal, add ginger slices to water and bring to boiling, then blanch the teal. After that, put the teal into ice bath, pluck the hair with tongs, and set aside; 

3. 沖洗豬腱骨, 冷水放, 滾至血漬出來, 汆水, 備用; 
   Wash and clean the Pork Tendon Bones, put into pot with cold water, then bring to boiling, after that rinsing it under running water, and set aside; 
4. 用小刷子刷洗螺頭, 去內臟, 加 2 片薑片汆水, 備用; 
   Use a small brush to wash the Conch, remove the internal organs, and add 2 slices of ginger into pot, put Conch into boiling water for blanching. After that rinsing it under running water, and set aside; 

5. 沖洗椰棗, 備用; 
   Wash and clean the date palm, and set aside; 

6. 準備湯鍋, 倒入 4 L 水 和放入 椰棗, 開大火;
   Perpare the big pot, pour in 4L water and add date palm with high heat;

7. 當水沸騰後, 加入豬腱骨、螺頭; 
   When boiling, put in pork tendon bones and conch;

8. 30分鐘後放入 2片 厚薑片 及 水鴨, 倒入浸金蟲草花的水, 轉至中火;
   After 30 minutes, add 2 pieces of thick ginger slices and teal, pour  the soaked water of cordyceps flower in, turn to medium heat;

9. 60分鐘後放入已浸水的金蟲草花;
   After 60 minutes, put in the soaked Cordyceps flower;

10. 40分鐘後關火, 即可。
    Turn off the heat after 40 minutes, Serve it


水鴨又名蜆鴨, 學名叫綠頭鴨,別名“野鴨”,“湖鴨”“晨鴨”,在古代稱作“鳧”,是體型最小的河鴨屬鳥類之一;
品種有 : 
鑽水鴨(dabbling duck)、綠翅水鴨(A. crecca),藍翅水鴨(A. discors)、桂紅鴨(A. cyanoptera)、霍屯督水鴨(A. hottentota);分佈在大陸和許多島嶼上、加拿大、北非洲。
Teal is also known as clam duck, scientific name is mallard, alias "wild duck", "lake duck" and "morning duck", called "malt" in ancient times, is one of the smallest birds of the genus river duck;
Varieties are:
Dabbling duck, green-winged teal (A. crecca), blue-winged teal (A. discors), Guihong duck (A. cyanoptera), hottentota (A. hottentota); distributed in On the mainland and many islands, Canada, North Africa.

It is mainly herbivorous. 25% of the food such as blue-winged teal may be animal. The clam duck mainly eats fish, shrimp and shellfish.

Teal meat contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, phosphorus, thiamine, riboflavin, and eggs contain vitamin A, B1, B2, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, sodium, etc., B vitamins and vitamin E are more Many other meats.

參考影片 - Refer to: 
1. 家庭小菜|雪菜火鴨絲炆米 一鴨二食(上) (Eng Sub) - Braised Vermicelli with Roasted Duck and Preserved Potherb Mustard

2. 湯水篇|鹹檸檬燒鴨湯 一鴨二食(下) (Eng Sub) - Salted Limes Roasted Duck Soup

3. 湯水篇|西洋菜臘鴨頭陳腎湯 清肺熱 Eng Sub - Watercress, Cured Duck Head & Gizzard Soup Clearing & Moisturizing Lungs

4. 家庭小菜|鴨絲/ 純素腐皮卷 為何? 一年也吃不到數次?  (Eng Sub) - Bean Curd Rolls with duck or ALL veggie (For Vegan)

5. 主菜篇|慢煮鴨胸伴鵝肝 (Eng Sub) - Sous Vide Duck Breast with Foie Gras

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圖片來源 - Pictures from: 
1. Teal, Green-winged, Male (Anas crecca) by Clinton & Charles Robertson
(CC BY-SA 2.0)

2. Blue-Winged Teal, Birding Center, Port Aransas, Texas by Alan D. Wilson, (CC BY-SA 2.5) 
Natures's Pic's Online (

3. A Pair of Cinnamon Teal by USFWS Mountain-Prairie (CC BY-SA 2.0)

4. A Hottentot Teal at London Zoo, England. By William Warby from London, England (CC BY-SA 2.5)


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    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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