

成品: 3 人
For: 3 ppl
烹調時間: 1小時30分鐘
Cooking Time: 1 hr 30 mins

Detail on YouTube:

材料 – Ingredients: 
2 個pc 526g蘋果 apple
1 條 pc 384g甘荀 carrot
1 條 pc 384g 粟米 corn
365g 腰果 cashew
432g豬腱骨Pork tendon bone
150g豬瘦肉 lean prok
2 個 30g乾希臘無花果 dried fig
1/3 角 pc 陳皮 Dried tangerine peel
2000 ml

方法 – method:
1. 粟米去外衣,去粟米鬚,切段;
   Remove corn to coat, remove corn whisker, and cut into section;

2. 甘荀去皮,切段;
   Peel the carrot and cut into sections;

3. 沖洗腰果、沖洗無花果;
   Rinse cashews and figs;

4. 洗豬腱骨 (去碎骨)、豬瘦肉;
   Rinse pork tendon bones (remove bones), pork lean meat;

5. 豬腱骨、豬瘦肉汆水;
   Blanch the Pork tendon bone and pork with boiling water ;

6. 倒入 2000 ml 水, 放入甘荀、粟米、腰果、無花果、陳皮, 開大火;
   Put in 2000 ml water, put in the carrot, corn, cashews, figs, dried tangerine peel, high heat;

7. 10分鐘後放入已汆水的豬腱骨、豬瘦肉, 轉中火;
   After 10mins, put in the blanched pork tendon bone and pork, turn to med heat

8. 一個蘋果用鹽洗,留果皮、切開一半,去枝、切去底部及去核;
   Wash an apple with coarse salt, cut in half without peeling, remove the branches, cut the bottom and remove the seed;

9. 另一個蘋果去皮、去枝、切去底部及去核;
   Peel, cut half and remove the core of another apple;

10. 1小時後放入蘋果,小火;
    After 1 hr, put in the apple, low heat;

11. 煲30分鐘後熄火;
    After 30min, turn off the heat;

12. 留湯在煲一會兒, 即可。
    Keep in the pot for a while, then serve.


參考影片 - Refer to: 
1. 湯水篇|蕃薯蘋果糖水 長壽 養生 甜湯 (Eng Sub) - Sweet Potato Apple Sweet Soup Health  Longevity

2. 湯水篇|蘋果百合水 凍熱飲皆宜 (Eng Sub) - Apple Dried Lily Bulb Sweet Drink Hot/Cold drink

3. 甜品教學|桃膠青紅蘋果糖水 清潤開胃佳品 (Eng Sub) - Vegan Peach Gum Apple Sweet Soup Nourishing Appetizer

蘋果 (學名:Malus pumila)
Apple ( scientific name : Malus pumila)
Rosaceae, a deciduous tree with serrated leaves and oval and spherical fruits.  also known as fruit or ringo, it is a common fruit throughout the year and the top four fruits in the world (apple, grape, orange and banana)

Apples are dicotyledonous plants, most of which are self-sterile and require cross-pollination. In addition to self-pollination, they also help other pollinators. Most bees are responsible for pollination.

蘋果有五多 : 品種多、顏色多(深紅、粉紅、青、黃、綠)、出產地多、烹調用途多 。 
可以生食、湯水、烤、飲料,常被用來製做 : 糕點、果醋、釀酒、做醬、果膠, 
There are more than five points of the apples : many varieties, many colors (dark red, pink, blue, yellow, green), many producing areas, and many cooking uses. 
Apples are low in calories and contain minerals, vitamins, fiber, zinc, iron, vitamin C and potassium.
It can be eaten raw, soup, roasted, and beverages. It is often used to make: cakes, fruit vinegar, wine, sauce, pectin, wait ; it is the real object of the still life painted by the artist, It is the main point in the story, and it also has religious, mythological, and traditional meanings. With the title of Fruit of Love and Fruit of Wisdom, Newton invented "Gravity" because of it.

蘋果皮比果肉的營養高出 2 – 6 倍,含抗氧化物、維生素A 及C,果渣可以用在不同的菜譜、加工後用作家畜禽的飼料、製成麵粉來代替小麥粉。
The nutrition of apple peel is 2-6 times higher than that of fruit pulp. It contains antioxidants, vitamin A and C. The pomace can be used in different recipes, used as feed for livestock and poultry after processing, and made into flour.

效用在 : 
Effective in:
Indigestion, benefit stomach, lose weight, lower cholesterol, cardiovascular, hypertension,
Defecation, moisturizing the intestines, constipation, reducing diarrhea, stopping diarrhea, preventing and treating colorectal cancer,
Acne, age spots, brain strengthening, improving memory,
Produce body fluid to quench thirst, relieve heat, clear away heat and irritate, thirst, irritate heat, moisturize lungs,
Anemia, sobering up, nourishing the heart and replenishing qi, preventing and treating rickets.

不宜以下人士 :
Not suitable for the following people:
Ulcerative colitis, gastrointestinal problems, stomach pain

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