WhatsApp Image 2021-09-15 at 17.34.53.jpeg

Foie gras will be served by slice and pan-fry mostly.
But, if you have creative,
Ordinary ingredients can become extraordinary,
We will use foie gras to making a fake cherry this time~~~

成品: 36 粒 (直徑 2.7 cm)
For: 36 balls (Dia 2.7 cm)
烹調時間: 4 天
Cooking Time: 4 Days

Detail on YouTube: 

材料 - Ingredients:
鵝肝慕絲 - Foie gras mousse:
鵝肝片 Foie gras slices - 600 g
牛奶 Milk - 1 L
鹽 Salt - 12 g
糖 Sugar - 10 g
黑椒粉 Black pepper powder - 適量 QS
白蘭地 Brandy - 15 ml
鮮奶油 A Whipping Cream A - 180 g
鮮奶油 B Whipping Cream B - 60 g
魚膠片 Gelatin sheet - 6 g
牛油 Butter - 50 g

內餡 - Filling:
芒果蓉 Mango puree - 70 g
百香果蓉 Passion Fruit Puree - 70 g
糖 Sugar - 40 g
果膠 NH Pectin NH - 3 g

櫻桃/車厘子果凍外殼 - Cherry Glaze:
櫻桃/車厘子Cherries - 900 g
糖 Sugar - 50g
魚膠片 Gelatin sheet - 35 g

做法 - Method:
鵝肝慕絲 - Foie gras mousse:
1. 準備大盤, 倒入一半牛奶, 之後一片片地放入鵝肝片, 再倒入剩下的牛奶直至蓋過鵝肝片, 蓋上保鮮膜, 放入雪櫃最小12小時;
   Prepare a big mixing bowl, pour half of the milk, then put in the foie gras slices piece by piece, then pour the remaining milk until the foie gras slices are covered, cover with plastic wrap, and put into refrigerator for a minimum of 12 hours;

2. 12小時之後, 倒去所有牛奶, 用廚房紙印乾鵝肝片表面的奶, 之後放入真空袋中密封, 放入54度的水中煮45分鐘;
   After 12 hours, pour out all the milk, dry the both sides of foie gras slices with kitchen paper, then put it into vacuum bag and seal it, put it into 54c water and sous vide for 45 minutes;

3. 把 魚膠片 用冰水浸泡至完成軟身, 之後擠出多餘的水份備用;
   Soak the Gelatine sheet in ice water until it is soften, and then squeeze out the excess water for late using;

4. 準備小鍋倒入 鮮奶油 B, 放入預先浸泡的 魚膠片, 開小火攪拌, 直至 魚膠片 完全溶化後, 倒出備用;
   Prepare a small pot and pour whipping cream B, put in the pre-soaked Gelatin sheet, turn to low heat and stir until the Gelatin sheet is completely melted, then pour it out for later using;

5. 45分鐘之後, 取出鵝肝片, 準備攪拌機, 先倒入所有 鵝肝片和汁液, 之後放入 鹽, 糖, 黑椒粉 和 白蘭地, 攪拌至順滑後放入 牛油, 再次攪拌至順滑後倒入 鮮奶油 A 和 B, 又再次攪拌至順滑後過篩備用;
   After 45 minutes, take out the foie gras slices, prepare a blender, pour in all the foie gras slices and juice, then add salt, sugar, black pepper powder and brandy, blend until smooth and then add butter, blend again until smooth. Then pour whipped cream A and B, and then blend it until smooth again, after that sieve it for later using;

6. 準備模具, 把過篩完的 鵝肝慕絲 擠入模具, 接著輕拍幾次, 拍出內裡的空氣, 之後用抹刀抹平, 然後放入冰格中冷藏, 直至完全冰硬;
    Prepare the mould, squeeze the sieved foie gras mousse into the mould, then tap a few times to tap out the air from inside, then smooth it with a spatula, after that put it into freezer until it is completely frozen;

7. 鵝肝慕絲 完全冰硬後, 取出, 用挖球匙挖洞(另外保留挖出來的鵝肝慕絲), 之後再放入冰格中冷藏, 備用;
   After the foie gras mousse is completely frozen, take it out, dig a hole with baller (Keeping the dug out foie gras mousse), then put it into freezer for later use;

內餡 - Filling:
8. 先用部份的 糖 和 果膠 NH 混合, 備用;
   First mix the Pectin NH with some sugar, set aside;

9. 準備小鍋, 倒入 芒果蓉 和 百香果蓉, 開小火, 接著倒入 混合了糖的果膠 NH, 攪拌至完全溶化, 之後加入剩下的 糖, 再次攪拌至完全溶化, 之後倒出, 備用;
   Prepare a small pot, pour in mango puree and passion fruit puree, turn to low heat, then pour in the mixed pectin NH, stir until completely melted, then add the remaining sugar, stir again until completely melted, then pour out, set aside;

10. 取出已挖洞的 鵝肝慕絲, 把 內餡 擠入 鵝肝慕絲的洞中, 之後在茶匙輕輕壓平, 然後再放入冰格中冷藏;
    Take out the dug foie gras mousse, squeeze the filling into the hole of the foie gras mousse, flatten it gently with a teaspoon, and then put it into freezer;

11. 取出已冰硬的 鵝肝慕絲, 先脫模, 然後用火槍把 鵝肝慕絲 的蓄表面 燒溶, 接著快速地把2個 鵝肝慕絲 半球 合2為1 變成一個球體, 再用之前所保留挖出來的鵝肝慕絲填補破損的位置, 和填補 鵝肝慕絲球 的填補空隙, 之後再放入冰格中冷藏;
    Take out the frozen foie gras mousse, first unmold it, then use a torch to melt the top of foie gras mousse, then quickly combine the two of the foie gras mousse into a ball. After that use the trimming of foie gras mousse to fill the broken part, and fill the gaps of foie gras mousse balls, then put it into freezer;

櫻桃果凍外殼 - Cherry Glaze:
12. 先清洗櫻桃, 之後去枝去核, 備用;
    Wash the cherries first, then remove the stem and seed, and set aside;

13. 準備小鍋, 放入所有已處理的櫻桃, 加水入至1/4高度, 用中火把所有櫻挑煮爛後, 之後用攪拌器把櫻桃攪拌至成果蓉, 過篩, 備用;
    Prepare a small pot, add all the processed cherries, add water to 1/4 height, use medium heat to boil all the cherries, then use a blender to blend the cherries until to puree, sieve it, and set aside;

14. 把櫻挑果蓉倒入另一小鍋中, 加入糖後用中火煮至沸騰, 當所有糖溶化後, 轉小火煮至剩下500g, 關火後放入已浸泡的 魚膠片, 用餘溫把 魚膠片 煮至溶化, 最後過篩備用;
    Pour the cherry puree into another small pot, add the sugar and bring to boiling with medium heat. When all the sugar has melted, turn to low heat and simmering until 500g remains. Turn off the heat and put in the pre-soaked gelatin sheet. Melt the gelatin sheet with residual heat, and sieve it for later use;

15. 當 櫻挑果蓉 降溫至28度, 取出 鵝肝慕絲球 和 牙籤刺著, 接著把 鵝肝慕絲球 浸入 櫻挑果蓉中 2-3秒, 之後取出把多餘的 櫻挑果蓉 慢慢地轉走, 重複幾次以達至想要的外殼厚度, 之後再放入冰格中冷藏, 備用;
    When the cherry puree has cooled down to 28c, take out the foie gras mousse ball and pierce it with a toothstick, then dip the foie gras mousse ball into cherry puree for 2-3 seconds, take out and the slowly turn around for removing the excess cherry puree, repeat several times to achieve the thickness of the glaze that you want, and then put it into freezer for later use;

16. 擺盤, 準備出餐前最小 1 小時把 櫻桃鵝肝球 放在雪櫃中 溶雪, 之後準備一隻小碟, 可先在碟上放上 炸面 或 面包片, 最後放上 櫻桃鵝肝球, 即可。
    Plating, Put the cherry foie gras balls into refrigerator to defrost at least 1 hour before serving, and then prepare a small plate, you can put deep-fried noodles or bread slices on the plate first, finally put the Cherry Foie Gras Balls, serve it.


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