天鵝泡芙, 小時候曾在餅店所見的精美甜品
只要知道制作泡芙的密秘, 人人也可做到的甜品
You can make a perfect choux, if you know the secret.
Show u the secret in making.
成量:直徑約6CM, 約12個
12pcs (about 6cm Dia)
難度: 入門-高級
Difficulty: Medium
制作時間: 2小時
Cooking time: 2hr.
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材料 Ingredients:
泡芙 Choux
100g     牛油/奶油 Butter
125g     水 Water
125g     牛奶 (全脂) Milk (Whole Fat)
5g         砂糖 Caster Sugar
2.5g      鹽 Salt
150g     低筋麵粉 Cake flour
4-5 pcs 全蛋 (室溫) Whole egg (Room Temperture)
蛋液 Egg Wash
2 pcs    全蛋 whole egg
4 pcs    蛋黃 egg yolk
香緹奶油 Creme Chantilly
300g    鮮奶油 Whipped cream
40g      糖霜 Icing sugar
1-2pcs 芒果 Mango
泡芙 Choux
1 把牛油, 水, 牛奶, 砂糖, 鹽 倒入鍋中.
   開中火, 攪伴至沸騰  (必需確定牛油, 砂糖, 鹽 完全融化)
   Bring water, milk, butter, salt and sugar to a boil, until they are melted.
2 關火, 把低筋麵粉 立即倒入!!
   (重要), 用木鏟不停大力攪拌, 翻炒!
   Remove from heat and add the flour.
   Mixing thoroughly to avoid any lumps being form
   Note: water and powder must be completely integrated (important)
3 再次開中大火, 繼續翻炒, 讓多餘水分蒸發
   直到鍋底出現一層薄膜, 發出"知知"聲, 關火!
   Place over a low heat while stirring to dry the mixture.
   Until a thin film appears on the bottom and "zhi zhi" sound is heared
4 將麵團轉到攪伴器中, 以槳狀攪伴器低速攪伴.
   Place the dough in a mixing bowl with paddle attachment to cool slightly
5 開始加入雞蛋, 要一顆一顆的加, 直到之前的雞蛋被完全吸收後, 才可加另一蛋.
   切勿過量, 否則麵糊過稀, 便是失敗了, 要重頭再來.
   Break up the eggs an slowly incorporate a small amount at a time
6  起攪伴槳, 可以看到垂下來的麵糊呈三角形, 便表示okay.
    Picked up with a dessert spoon the mixture should slowly slide off with a "V" shape
7 準備一個星形擠花咀 (如沒星形也可使用圓形咀).
  在牛油紙上, 擠出一個6cm*2-3cm 大圓,
  Preapre a Star-shaped nozzle.
  Pipe 6cm *2-3cm circle choux puffs on baking paper, and then pipe tail off
8 涂上蛋液和噴水, 成品膨脹和上色會更好
   Apply egg liquid and water spray before baking
9 180"C 45-50分鐘,
   中途切勿開箱, 直到泡芙停止膨脹和上色為止
   Bake 180'c 45-50 mins
  (Dont open the oven until chox is in brown color and stoping exploring)
10 完成後的泡芙 是金黃色 而且兩边較硬
    切開一個 可看到中間是一個大空間, 可膨脹至1-1.5部, 內皮有濕潤感
    The finished puff is golden yellow and hard on both sides.
    You can see a large space inside, and with a moist feeling
11  把泡芙分為3份, 以水平或微斜切開, 1/3 為翅膀 2/3為下身,
      再把翅膀, 一分為二, 記得修飾边位
      Divide puffs into 3. 1/3 for wings 2/3 for body. Cut horizontally or slightly.
      Remove excess dough inside, Divide the wings into two

12  準備細圓擠花咀, 來制作頸部和頭部.
      以 "S"的 形狀 來畫, 先畫頸部, 後補上頭, 微微拉尾為咀
      Prepare a thin round nozzle for doing the neck and head.
      Draw in the shape "S". Pipe the neck first, head, slightly pull the tail for the mouth
13 160"C 5-10分鐘 (視乎頸部粗幼 大小)
     160 "C 5-10 minutes (Depending on the size of the neck)
香緹奶油 Creme Chantilly
1 芒果切粒或切片 (備用)
   Mango diced or sliced
2 奶油和糖霜一起打發至硬性發泡, 裝上擠花咀, 奶油入袋
   Cream and icing sugar whip together until stiff peaks.
   Star-shaped nozzle again
   Whipped cream in pipping bag
組合 Assembly
1 先擠上一層奶油 , 再放上放上芒果肉
   Squeeze the whipped cream firstly. Put the mango on
   Then, pipe whipped cream again
2 翅膀 和頭部放入
   Put the wings back, then head
3 灑上一層糖霜 營造下雪效果
   Sprinkle a layer of icing sugar to create a snow effect
    創作者 蝸煮 的頭像

    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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