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錯! 和你說說坊間所說的塔皮錯說!
Caramel Nuts with Banana Tart
What is Pate Sablee?
is there only one method of making tart dough?
Absoulty Wrong! Talk with you about the Wrong thing of tart from other video!!!
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成品: 6-7個 (圓形模具, 直徑6cm)
For 6-7 pcs (Round Mould with 6cm Dia)
難度: 初級
Difficulty: Beginners
所需時間: 30 分鍾(等待時間4小時)
Cooking Time: 30 mins (Waiting time: 4hours)
材料 Ingredients
榛子沙皮 Hazelnuts Sable Dough
70g 奶油 Unsalted Butter
50g 白砂糖 White Sugar
25g 榛子粉 Hazelnuts Flour/ powder
115g 中筋麵粉 Plain Flour
25g 雞蛋 Whole egg
100g 黑巧克力 Dark Chocolate
焦糖果仁 Caramel Nuts
250g 不同果仁 Different kind of Nuts
140g 白砂糖 White Sugar
70g 奶油 Unsalted Butter
59g 鮮奶油 Cream
香蕉 Banana
1-2pcs 香蕉 Banana
QS (適量) 白砂糖 White Sugar (選擇性 Optional)
QS (適量) 蘭姆酒 Rum (選擇性 Optional)
做法 - Methods:
1. 榛子沙皮
先把奶油 和粉類材料 搓為粉粒, 加入雞蛋 混合為團, 推薄至0.2-0.3cm, 冰箱 休息2-3 小時
Hazelnuts Sable Dough
Mix the Butter and flour together until it become sandy texture, Mix with Sugar and Egg in until it become a dough. Don’t overmix, Roll it to 0.2-0.3cm thin, Rest in the fridge at least 2-3 hours
2. 塔皮入模, 再冰箱 休息2-3 小時, 然後焗180'C 15-20分鍾, 放涼後, 抺上熔化巧克力
Place the dough into the mold, Rest in the fridge 2-3 hour again, Bake 180 15-20mins, Cool Down and Place a thin chocolate on
3 果仁 160'C 焗10-12分鍾, 鮮奶油加熱至沸騰, 砂糖煮至焦糖, 加入鮮奶油, 牛油 和 如有任何粒狀, 過瀘, 才加入果仁混合
Nuts Bake 160'C 10-12mins, Boil the cream, Caramel the sugar, Place the hot cream in caramel sugar, then butter, if you get any lump, sieve it before adding the nuts
4 香蕉切片或切粒, 如可接受甜度, 可用糖和蘭姆酒炒香蕉
Cut the banana into dice or slide, If you prefer more sweet, cook the banana with sugar and rum.
5 組合:
先放入香蕉於塔皮中, 再放入焦糖果仁, 加上金泊
Place the banana in the tart firstly, Then the caramel nuts in, Gold leaf on
    創作者 蝸煮 的頭像

    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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