
Sometimes will no idea what to cook at home...
This time I will make a simple and delicious pasta~~~
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材料 - Ingredients:
乾意粉 - 200g
Dry Spaghetti - 200g
歐芹/洋芫荽/巴西里 - 18g
Parsley - 18g
蒜蓉 - 40g
Minced Garlic - 40g
蒜頭 - 2瓣
Garlic - 2 cloves
檸檬皮 - 適量
Lemon Zest - TT
鹽和黑椒 - 適量
Salt and black pepper - TT
1. 先煮一鍋滾水, 加入 鹽 和 油, 之後加入 乾意粉, 煮約6-8分鐘, 隔水加油拌勻, 備用
   Boil a pot of boiling water first, add salt and oil, then add dry spaghetti, cook for about 6-8 minutes, add oil and mix well, set aside
參考影片 - Reference:
簡易|超簡單蒜蓉忌廉磨菇大蝦意粉  Creamy Garlic Prawn Pasta (Eng Sub)
2. 先把 蒜頭 去皮, 切成薄片, 浸水約10分鐘, 之後隔水用廚房紙吸乾表面的水分, 備用;
Peel the garlic first, thin slices, soak in water for about 10 minutes, then absorb the water with kitchen towel, and set aside;
3. 炸蒜片: 準備小鍋, 倒入適量的油, 燒至約130c, 分批放入 蒜片, 炸至淺啡色, 撈起吸油, 備用(保留炸蒜油);
   Fried garlic slices: Prepare a small pot, pour the oil in, heat up to 130c, add garlic slices in batches, deep-fried until light brown, pick up and absorb oil, and set aside (reserve deep-fried garlic oil);
4. 歐芹/洋芫荽/巴西里 先清洗, 摘葉, 切碎, 之後分成2份(1大1小), 備用;
 Wash Parsley first, pick leaves, chopped it, then divide into 2 parts (1 large and 1 small), set aside;
5. 準備炒鑊, 加入 炸蒜油, 燒熱後加入 蒜蓉, 鹽 和 黑椒, 當 蒜蓉 炒至香味溢出, 加入 意粉 炒鬆, 加入 大份的歐芹/洋芫荽/巴西里碎, 炒至香味溢出, 關火, 最後加上 剩下的 歐芹/洋芫荽/巴西里碎 拌勻;
Prepare a pan, add some deep-frie garlic oil, heat up, add minced garlic, salt and black pepper, when bring out the flavor of garlic, add spaghetti and stir-fry, add large portion of parsley, stir fry until bring out the flavor, turn off heat. Finally add the rest of the parsley and mix well;
6. 上碟, 先放入意粉, 之後加上炸蒜片, 加上適量的 檸檬皮, 即可。
Planting, put the spaghetti first, then add the deep-fried garlic slices, and add lemon zest.
    創作者 蝸煮 的頭像

    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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