原食譜來 Antonio Bachour
The Original recipe is from Antonio Bachour
難度為高級: 因為步驟較多, 而且制作時間較長
Diffuculty is advance. Since too much steps and take a long time to finished.
Some trick parts need to be care.
難度為高級: 因為步驟較多, 而且制作時間較長
Diffuculty is advance. Since too much steps and take a long time to finished.
Some trick parts need to be care.
甜度偏甜, 但不要自行修改食譜, 否則失敗率大大提升
This is a sweetness dessert, Don't change any ingredients by yourself. Or it is more easier to failure.
This is a sweetness dessert, Don't change any ingredients by yourself. Or it is more easier to failure.
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成品: 6-7個 (直徑7cm圓模)
For 6-7 pcs ( 7cm Dia round mould)
難度: 高級
Difficulty: Advance
所需時間: 分2天制作
Cooking Time: 2 days prepare
For 6-7 pcs ( 7cm Dia round mould)
難度: 高級
Difficulty: Advance
所需時間: 分2天制作
Cooking Time: 2 days prepare
材料 Ingredients
塔皮 Streusel
22g 杏仁麵粉 Almond Flour
24g 中筋麵粉 Plain Flour
18g 白砂糖 White Sugar
20g 奶油 Unsalted Butter
塔底 Pressed sable
80g 塔皮 Streusel
50g 脆米 Puffed Rice
10g 可可脂 Coco butter
20g 奶油 Unsalted Butter
45g 調溫白巧克力 White Couverture Chocolate
芒果果蓉 Mango Puree
75g 芒果 Mango
(推薦使用豬腰芒, 因為成品濃度較重)
(KidneyMango is prefer to use, since its thickness)
芒果百香果凝乳 Mango Passionfruit Curd
38g 芒果果蓉 (B) Mango Puree (B)
20g 百香果 Passionfruit juice
38g 旦黃 Egg Yolk
22g 全旦 Whole Egg
25g 白砂糖 White Sugar
47g 奶油 Unsalted Butter
2g 吉利丁 Gelatin sheet
芒果果餡 Mango Sauce
37g 芒果果蓉 (A) Mango Puree (A)
0.3 - 0.5g 黃原膠 Xanthan gum
(如果蓉濃度足夠, 不需使用 黃原膠)
(If the thickness is enough, no need to add Xanthan gum)
棷奶甘納許 Coconut Ganache
33g 棷奶 Cocout milk
5g 葡萄糖漿 Glucose Syrup
5g 轉化糖 Invert Sugar
53g 調溫白巧克力 White Couverture Chocolate
100g 鮮奶油 Whipped Cream
棷奶慕斯 Coconut mousse
26g 棷奶 Cocout milk
50g 調溫白巧克力 White Couverture Chocolate
1g 吉利丁 Gelatin sheet
75g 鮮奶油 (冷) Cream (Cold)
裝飾 Decro
QS (適量) 羅勒/薄荷 Basil/ mint
QS (適量) 芒果粒 Mango Dice
1 第一天 - Day 1
先制作塔皮, 把全部材料成團, 放入冰箱2-3小時 (或可用乘餘塔皮制作)
Prepare the Streusel dough, Mix all ingridents together, Rest in frezze for 2-3 hour (Can use the other remaining tart dough)
塔皮切粒, 入爐180'C 12分鍾, 放涼後加入脆米.
Cut into dice. Bake 180'c 12mins, Cool down and mix with puffed rice
調溫白巧克力, 奶油, 可可脂分別熔化, 加入脆米塔皮粒, 混合, 放入直徑7cm 圓模具, 壓平. 高度為模具1半, 入冰箱, 直至變硬
Melt the White Couverture Chocolate, butter and coco butter separately, Mix with puffered rice and streusel, Press it into dia 7cm round mould, (Only hald full), Keep in the fridge unitl it is hard
塔皮 Streusel
22g 杏仁麵粉 Almond Flour
24g 中筋麵粉 Plain Flour
18g 白砂糖 White Sugar
20g 奶油 Unsalted Butter
塔底 Pressed sable
80g 塔皮 Streusel
50g 脆米 Puffed Rice
10g 可可脂 Coco butter
20g 奶油 Unsalted Butter
45g 調溫白巧克力 White Couverture Chocolate
芒果果蓉 Mango Puree
75g 芒果 Mango
(推薦使用豬腰芒, 因為成品濃度較重)
(KidneyMango is prefer to use, since its thickness)
芒果百香果凝乳 Mango Passionfruit Curd
38g 芒果果蓉 (B) Mango Puree (B)
20g 百香果 Passionfruit juice
38g 旦黃 Egg Yolk
22g 全旦 Whole Egg
25g 白砂糖 White Sugar
47g 奶油 Unsalted Butter
2g 吉利丁 Gelatin sheet
芒果果餡 Mango Sauce
37g 芒果果蓉 (A) Mango Puree (A)
0.3 - 0.5g 黃原膠 Xanthan gum
(如果蓉濃度足夠, 不需使用 黃原膠)
(If the thickness is enough, no need to add Xanthan gum)
棷奶甘納許 Coconut Ganache
33g 棷奶 Cocout milk
5g 葡萄糖漿 Glucose Syrup
5g 轉化糖 Invert Sugar
53g 調溫白巧克力 White Couverture Chocolate
100g 鮮奶油 Whipped Cream
棷奶慕斯 Coconut mousse
26g 棷奶 Cocout milk
50g 調溫白巧克力 White Couverture Chocolate
1g 吉利丁 Gelatin sheet
75g 鮮奶油 (冷) Cream (Cold)
裝飾 Decro
QS (適量) 羅勒/薄荷 Basil/ mint
QS (適量) 芒果粒 Mango Dice
1 第一天 - Day 1
先制作塔皮, 把全部材料成團, 放入冰箱2-3小時 (或可用乘餘塔皮制作)
Prepare the Streusel dough, Mix all ingridents together, Rest in frezze for 2-3 hour (Can use the other remaining tart dough)
塔皮切粒, 入爐180'C 12分鍾, 放涼後加入脆米.
Cut into dice. Bake 180'c 12mins, Cool down and mix with puffed rice
調溫白巧克力, 奶油, 可可脂分別熔化, 加入脆米塔皮粒, 混合, 放入直徑7cm 圓模具, 壓平. 高度為模具1半, 入冰箱, 直至變硬
Melt the White Couverture Chocolate, butter and coco butter separately, Mix with puffered rice and streusel, Press it into dia 7cm round mould, (Only hald full), Keep in the fridge unitl it is hard
2 腰芒打為果蓉, 分2份
Mango press into puree, divided into 2 parts
A份: 如果蓉濃度足夠, 不需使用 黃原膠, 放入冰箱備用
Part A: if this is thickness, no need to add Xanthan gum, Keep in the fridge
B份: 芒果百香果凝乳, 旦黃, 全旦放一起, 加入白糖 混合, 芒果果蓉(B)加入百香果汁 加熱至細氣泡, 倒入旦液中, 攪勻. 加熱至82-85'C, 40'C 加入奶油, 攪勻混合, 36'C 加入已浸泡的吉利丁, 攪勻, 倒入膠模, 冷藏格 冷凍一天
Part B: Mango Passionfruit Curd, Place the whole egg and yolk together mix, Add the passionfruit juice into Puree (B), and heat, Pour into the egg and boil to 82-85'C, Add the butter and mix when the curd 40'c, Add the gelatine and mix when the curd down to 36'c, Pour into mold and store in the freeze 1day
3 棷奶甘納許:
調溫白巧克力熔化, 加熱棷奶, 葡萄糖漿, 轉化糖 直至糖熔化, 巧克力 和棷奶 混合, 確定質地順滑, 加入凍鮮奶油, 放入冰箱, 最少12小時
Coconut Ganache:
Melt the White Couverture Chocolate, Heat the coconut milk, with invert sugar and Glucose Syrup unitl sugar disappear, Mix then together, Sure the mixture is smooth, add the cold cream, Keep in the fridge at least 12 hours
4 棷奶慕斯:
調溫白巧克力熔化, 熱棷奶倒入白巧克力中, 混合, 加入浸泡吉利丁, 攪勻, 29'C, 加入軟性發泡鮮奶油, 倒入塔模上, 冷藏格 冷凍一天
Coconut mousse:
Melt the White Couverture Chocolate, Add the Heated coconut milk, and mix together, Add the gelatine and mix, Fold the Whipped cream (soft peak) when mixture is at 29'C, Pour on the top of the tart
5 第二天, 組合
芒果切粒, 棷奶慕斯脫模
Day 2: Asembly
Cut the mango into dice, Remove the mold
芒果百香果凝乳占上亮面果膠 (選擇性)
Pour the netural glaze on the Mango curd (optional)
放在棷奶慕斯中間, 四周擠上棷奶甘納許, 用匙在甘納許, 畫上小洞. 擠入芒果果蓉, 空白位置, 放上芒果粒和羅勒/薄荷葉
Place the Curd at the middle, and pipe the Ganache around, Heat the spoon with hot water and make the hole on the ganache, Pipe in the Mango puree (A), Add the Mango dice, Mint/ Bsail leave
Mango press into puree, divided into 2 parts
A份: 如果蓉濃度足夠, 不需使用 黃原膠, 放入冰箱備用
Part A: if this is thickness, no need to add Xanthan gum, Keep in the fridge
B份: 芒果百香果凝乳, 旦黃, 全旦放一起, 加入白糖 混合, 芒果果蓉(B)加入百香果汁 加熱至細氣泡, 倒入旦液中, 攪勻. 加熱至82-85'C, 40'C 加入奶油, 攪勻混合, 36'C 加入已浸泡的吉利丁, 攪勻, 倒入膠模, 冷藏格 冷凍一天
Part B: Mango Passionfruit Curd, Place the whole egg and yolk together mix, Add the passionfruit juice into Puree (B), and heat, Pour into the egg and boil to 82-85'C, Add the butter and mix when the curd 40'c, Add the gelatine and mix when the curd down to 36'c, Pour into mold and store in the freeze 1day
3 棷奶甘納許:
調溫白巧克力熔化, 加熱棷奶, 葡萄糖漿, 轉化糖 直至糖熔化, 巧克力 和棷奶 混合, 確定質地順滑, 加入凍鮮奶油, 放入冰箱, 最少12小時
Coconut Ganache:
Melt the White Couverture Chocolate, Heat the coconut milk, with invert sugar and Glucose Syrup unitl sugar disappear, Mix then together, Sure the mixture is smooth, add the cold cream, Keep in the fridge at least 12 hours
4 棷奶慕斯:
調溫白巧克力熔化, 熱棷奶倒入白巧克力中, 混合, 加入浸泡吉利丁, 攪勻, 29'C, 加入軟性發泡鮮奶油, 倒入塔模上, 冷藏格 冷凍一天
Coconut mousse:
Melt the White Couverture Chocolate, Add the Heated coconut milk, and mix together, Add the gelatine and mix, Fold the Whipped cream (soft peak) when mixture is at 29'C, Pour on the top of the tart
5 第二天, 組合
芒果切粒, 棷奶慕斯脫模
Day 2: Asembly
Cut the mango into dice, Remove the mold
芒果百香果凝乳占上亮面果膠 (選擇性)
Pour the netural glaze on the Mango curd (optional)
放在棷奶慕斯中間, 四周擠上棷奶甘納許, 用匙在甘納許, 畫上小洞. 擠入芒果果蓉, 空白位置, 放上芒果粒和羅勒/薄荷葉
Place the Curd at the middle, and pipe the Ganache around, Heat the spoon with hot water and make the hole on the ganache, Pipe in the Mango puree (A), Add the Mango dice, Mint/ Bsail leave