

豬扒, 大家都吃得多,
Pork chop, everyone eats alot,
This time lets try new method~~~
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材料(4人份) - Ingredients(4 serves):
豬扒 (Pork Chop) - 4塊(pcs)
水牛芝士片 (Mozzarella Cheese) - 2片(slices)
車打芝士片 (Cheddar Cheese) - 4片(slices)
面粉 (Flour) - 100g
雞蛋 (Eggs) - 1隻(pcs)
麵包邊  或 麵包糠 (Bread Edge or Bread crumb) - 60g
鹽和黑椒 (Salt and black pepper) - 適量(TT)
做法 - Methods:
1. 先用刀切斷 薄切豬扒 的筋, 之後用 鹽 和 黑椒 醃味;
   First cut the tendons of the pork chop, then marinade with salt and black pepper;
2. 預熱焗爐150c, 把 麵包邊 平均地放在焗盤上, 然後放入焗爐20-30分鐘或至乾身為止;
   Preheat the oven 150c, put the bread edge on the baking tray evenly, and then put it into oven for 20-30 minutes or until dry;
3. 麵包邊 乾身後, 先放在烤架上待涼, 然後放入攪拌機攪成粉狀, 最後過篩隔去大塊的;
   After the bread was dry, first put it on the rack to cooling down, then blend it to powder, and sieve out the large pieces;
4. 用小刀把 薄切豬扒 由中間切出一個口袋, 之後把水牛芝士片切半, 然後用 車打芝士片 包上 切半的水牛芝士片, 最後把芝士片放入 薄切豬扒 的口袋中;
   Cut a pocket at middle of the pork chop with, then cut the Mozzarella Slices in half, then put the half Mozzarella Slices on Cheddar Slices and fold it, and finally put the cheese into the pocket of the pork chop;
5. 雞蛋打發, 面粉加入 鹽 和 黑椒, 之後把豬扒沾上面粉, 接著沾上蛋液, 然後均勻地沾上麵包糠, 最後放入雪櫃最少30分鐘;
   Beat the egg, add salt and black pepper to the flour, then dip the pork chop with flour, then the egg, then evenly coat the bread crumbs, and finally put into refrigerator for at least 30 minutes;
6. 準備炸豬扒, 炸鍋一隻, 放入油後開火燒至熱後, 放入 豬扒, 約每分鐘反轉一次, 至豬扒金黃色即可(約4-5分鐘)。
   Prepare to fry pork chop, prepare a pot, put in oil and heat until hot, then add pork chop, turnover once every minute, until the pork chop is golden brown (about 4-5 minutes).
    創作者 蝸煮 的頭像

    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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