
This time we will cook cod steak with homemade teriyaki sauce~~~

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材料 - Ingredients:
鱈魚扒 Cod steak - 2塊 PCS
蔥粒 Sliced Spring Onion - 適量 QS
白芝麻 White sesame - 適量 QS

醃料 - Marinade:
蒜瓣 Garlic - 10g
薑 Ginger - 10g
清酒 Sake - 1 tbap
鹽和黑椒粉 Salt and blackpepper powder - 適量 QS

日式照燒汁 - Teriyaki sauce:
日式醬油 Japanese soy sauce - 150g
清酒 Sake - 150g
味霖 Mirin - 150g
原蔗黑糖 Light Muscovado Sugar - 75g
蜜糖 Honey - 75g
蔥 Spring Onion - 10g

做法 - Methods:
1. 先把蒜瓣和薑磨成蓉, 加入鹽和黑椒粉, 攪勻, 之後平均地抹在鱈魚扒的底和面, 最後加上清酒, 醃約1小時;
   First grind the garlic and ginger into a puree, add salt and blackpepper powder, mix well, then spread evenly on the bottom and top of the cod steak, add sake and marinate for about 1 hour;

2. 先把蔥切粒, 備用;
   Chop Spring Onion into small pieces and set aside;

3. 日式照燒汁: 準備小鍋一個, 先倒入 清酒和味霖, 開火煮至大滾(小心搶火), 之後加入日式醬油, 原蔗糖和蜜糖攪勻, 再次煮至大滾, 之後轉小火, 加入蔥粒, 慢火煮至剩下約1/3;
   Teriyaki Sauce: Prepare a small pot, pour sake and mirin, bring to boiling (be careful will on fire), then add Japanese soy sauce, Light Muscovado Sugar and honey, mix well, and boil it again. Then turn to low heat, add chopped spring onion, and simmering until 1/3 left;
4. 當煮至剩下約1/3, 倒出和隔去蔥粒, 待涼備用;
   When cook until 1/3 left, pour out and sieve out the spring onion, cool down and set aside;

5. 鱈魚扒醃了約1小時後, 預熱焗爐至230c, 先完全清除鱈魚扒上的醃料, 用廚房紙印乾鱈魚扒上的水份, 之後均勻地在鱈魚扒的2邊掃上日式照燒汁, 然後放入焗爐焗20分鐘, 期間每5分鐘取出和均勻地在鱈魚扒的2邊掃上日式照燒汁;
   After the cod steak has been marinated for 1 hour, preheat the oven to 230c, first clean all marinade on the cod steak, dry the cod steak with kitchen towel, and then evenly brush teriyaki sauce on both sides of cod steak, then put it into oven and roasted for 20 minutes, take out every 5 minutes and evenly brush the teriyaki sauce on both sides of the cod steak;

6. 白芝麻用白鑊(不加油) 炒至香味溢出, 之後倒出備用;
   Pan fry white sesame seeds without oil, until the flavor come out, then pour out and set aside;

7. 20分鐘後, 取出鱈魚扒, 再在表面上掃上日式照燒汁, 加上白芝麻和蔥粒, 即可。
   After 20 minutes, take out the cod steak, brush the teriyaki sauce on top of Cod steak, add white sesame seeds and sliced green onions, and serve it.


    創作者 蝸煮 的頭像

    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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