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Salmon is a deep-sea fish that contains a large amount of omega tri-fatty acids, which is not only beneficial to the development of the brain and vision, but research has found that it can reduce the risk of triglycerides in the blood and cardiovascular diseases.
People only eat salmon meat, and there is less meat on the salmon head. Therefore, the prices of salmon heads, fish bones and fish tails on the market are cheaper than the fish body parts.

Patients with sensitive skin, gout, cold body, and high blood pressure should be cautious about eating, and do not eat too much at one time. Pregnant women should not eat uncooked salmon

Studies have now pointed out that tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene, which will release more lycopene after heating and cooking. 
攝取過多, 皮膚變黃, 有些人對番茄紅素會過敏,腸胃不適 、有胃酸者不宜, 慢性腎臟病,尤其是正在接受洗腎治療的患者,務必減少食用。
Too much intake, the skin turns yellow, some people are allergic to lycopene, gastrointestinal discomfort, gastric acid is not suitable, chronic kidney disease, especially patients undergoing dialysis treatment, be sure to reduce consumption.

三文魚/鮭魚 奧米加3, 有助嬰兒腦部發展及孕婦 Salmon with Omega-3, good for Children and Pregnant

烹調時間: 45 分鐘
Cooking Time: 45 min

材料 (3 人份) – Ingredients (For 3ppl) :
蕃茄Tomato - 3個 (pcs)
馬鈴薯/ 土豆Potato - 1個 (pc) 
三文魚頭/鮭魚魚頭Salmon fish head - 半邊 (half pc) 
3豬展肉 Pork shank - 兩 (9g) 
青蔥 Spring onions - 3棵 (ea) 
莞茜 Coriander - 3棵 (ea) 
中國芹菜 Chinese celery - 3棵 (ea) 
薑片Ginger - 4片(Slide)

方法 - Methods :
1. 材料洗淨. 魚頭去鰓及麟片, 加鹽醃. 
Wash all the ingredients. Remove the gills and lin. Salt the fish head

2. 蕃茄切為2 -4份 或 切去頂部
Tomato cut into 2-4 parts or just cut the head 

3. 馬鈴薯切為2 或3份
Potato cut into 2-3 pcs

4. 青蔥及中國芹菜切段
Green onions and Chinese celery into sections

5. 豬展肉汆水. 三文魚煎至金黃色
Pork shank wash in boiling water. Fry the salmon until golden brown color

6. 加1.5L水, 放馬鈴薯, 大火
Put potato into 1.5L water . Turn to High heat 

7. 水滾放豬展肉, 滾10分鐘 
Put pork shank in when 1.5L water is boiling for 10 min 

8. 水滾放三魚頭, 大火煲15分鐘
 Put the fried salmon fish head in. 

9. 放蕃茄煲15分鐘
After 15mins, Tomato in, boil for another 15 mins

10. 最後加入青蔥, 中國芹菜和莞茜, 煮約5分鐘, 即可享用。
Final, add Spring onions, Coriander and Chinese celery, cook for 5mins, then serve.

    創作者 蝸煮 的頭像

    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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