This time I will make Deep-fried seafood,
Of course will including squid rings and prawns~~~

烹調時間: 約1.5小時
Cooking Time: around 1.5hrs

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材料 - Ingredients:
主材料 - Main Ingredients:
大蝦 Prawns - 7隻 pcs (300g)
魷魚 Squid - 1隻 pcs (450g)
麵粉A Flour A - 100g
鹽和黑椒 Salt and black pepper - 適量 QS

啤酒炸漿 - Beer Battered:
白啤酒 White beer - 288g
麵粉B Flour B - 160g
蛋黃 Egg yolk - 1隻 pcs

他他醬 - Tartar Sauce:
蛋黃 Egg yolk - 2隻 pcs
芥末醬/芥末粉 Mustard sauce/Mustard Powder - 1tsp
油 Oil - 200g
酸黃瓜 Gherkins - 20g
酸豆 Capers - 20g
白酒醋/白醋/檸檬汁 White Wine Vinegar/White Vinegar/Lemon Juice - 1-2 tsp
鹽和黑椒 Salt and black pepper - 適量 QS

做法 - Methods:
1. 先把 魷魚 清洗和去皮, 把 魷魚 切圈, 之後用廚房紙吸乾部份水份, 備用;
   Clean and skinoff the squid first, cut the squid into rings, and then use kitchen towel to absorb some water of squid, and set aside;

2. 先把 大蝦 去殼(剩下尾部不脫)和去腸, 在 大蝦 底部輕輕切斷, 之後用廚房紙吸乾部份水份, 備用;
   First remove the shells of the prawns (keep the tails part) and the intestines, gently cut at the bottom of prawns, then use kitchen towel to absorbsome water of prawns, and set aside;

3. 準備炸漿: 先混合 麵粉B 和 啤酒, 之後可加入 蛋黃, 然後放入雪櫃約 30分鐘至1小時, 備用;
   Prepare Beer Battered: First mix flour B and beer, then add egg yolk, then put it into refrigerator for about 30 minutes to 1 hour;

參考影片 - Refer to: 
簡易篇|炸魚薯條 (Eng Sub) - Fish & Chips

4. 先把 酸黃瓜 和 酸豆 切碎, 準備一個盤, 放入 蛋黃 和 芥末醬/芥末粉, 打勻, 之後慢慢地加入 油, 邊加邊打勻, 當 蛋黃 和 油 完全混合後, 加入 酸黃瓜 和 酸豆, 打勻, 最後加入 白酒醋/白醋/檸檬汁, 鹽和黑椒, 打勻, 完成後先放入雪櫃, 直至食用時才取出。
   First chop Gherkins and capers, prepare a mixing bowl, add the egg yolks and mustard sauce/mustard powder, mixed well, then slowly pour oil in, mixing well while adding, when the egg yolks and oil are completely mixed. Add chopped Gherkins and capers, mixed well, finally add white wine vinegar/white vinegar/lemon juice, salt and black pepper, mixed well, put it into refrigerator when finished, and take it out until serving.

參考影片 - Refer to: 
醬汁篇|自制他他醬 - Homemade Tartar Sauce (Eng Sub)  

5. 把 麵粉A, 鹽 和 黑椒 混合, 備用;
   Mixed well with flour A, salt and black pepper, set aside;

6. 準備炸鍋, 加入適量的 油, 燒熱至 180c, 之後把 魷魚圈 和 大蝦 分批沾上麵粉A, 然後均勻地沾上 炸漿, 先抖去多餘的 炸漿 後放入 炸油中, 炸至外殼成脆身和金黃色;
   Prepare the pot, pour oil in, heat upto 180c, then dip the squid rings and prawns with flour A in batches, and then evenly dip the Beer Battered, shake off the excess Beer Battered and put into hot oil, fried until the shell becomes crispy and golden brown;

7. 當外殼成脆身和金黃色後, 先放在廚房紙中吸收多的油份;
   When the shell becomes crispy and golden brown, put it on kitchen towel to absorb excess oil;

8. 最後 魷魚圈 和 大蝦 可配上 他他醬 享用。
   Finally, the squid rings and prawns can be served with tartar sauce.


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    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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