

This time I will make homemade pasta,
The method is also very simple~~~

烹調時間: 約2小時
Cooking Time: around 2 hrs

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材料(6人) - Ingredients(6ppl):
00粉 00 Flour - 350g
00粉(手粉) 00 Flour (Kneading Flour) - 100g
雞蛋 Eggs - 3隻 pcs (150g)
初榨橄欖油 Extra Virgin olive oil – 2 tbsp
鹽 Salt – 1 tsp
水(視乎情況加入) Water (Depend on the dough) – 50g

做法 - Method:
1. 準備大碗, 倒入所有00粉, 在中央開一個洞口, 倒入所有雞蛋, 初榨橄欖油和 鹽, 用手慢慢由中央開發撥入麵粉和混合直至成一個麵團(如太乾, 可逐小加入水), 成麵團後蓋上濕布靜止1小時;
   Prepare a mixing bowl, pour all the 00 flour, make a hole in the center, pour in all the eggs, olive oil and salt, slowly spread the flour from the center by hand and mix until a dough (If too dry, can be added water little by little), cover with a wet cloth and rest for 1 hour after the dough is formed;

2. 1小時後, 再次搓麵團直至光滑;
   After 1 hour, knead the dough again until smooth;

3. 麵團光滑之後, 準備意大利麵機, 先把麵團放入機中壓成麵皮, 之後對折再放入機中壓成麵皮, 直至壓成光滑的麵皮 (如麵皮中途開始沾手或偏濕, 可沾上手粉);
   After the dough is smooth, prepare the pasta roll, first put the dough into the pasta roll and roll it into a sheet, then fold it in half and then press it into the sheet again until it becomes a smooth sheet (If the dough starts to sticky or wet, put some Kneading Flour on it);

4. 當麵皮壓成光滑後, 由最闊的設定開發, 由刻度1開始壓至刻度6 (每個牌子可能會有不同, 視乎家中的壓麵機), 每個刻度可壓2次, 而確保厚度;
   When the sheet is pressed smoothly, start pressing from widest setting, start from scale 1 press to 6 (each brand may be different, depending on the pasta machine at home), each scale can be pressed twice to ensure the thickness;

5. 當壓完後, 在麵皮的面和底灑上手粉以防黏在一起, 之後可根據自己喜歡的長度切成麵條, 1人份量的麵條為80g - 120g;
   After pressing, sprinkle Kneading Flour on top and bottom of the sheet to prevent sticking together, and then cut into noodles according to your favorite length. The noodles for 1 person are 80g-120g;

6. 切成麵條, 再次灑上手粉, 放入器皿和雪櫃中保存。
   Cut into noodles, sprinkle kneading Flour again, and store in utensils and refrigerator.

7. 煮法: 準備一鍋滾水, 加入適量的鹽, 放入手工意大利麵, 煮至熟透(約5分鐘), 即可。
   Cooking: Prepare a pot of boiling water, add some salt, put in homemade pasta, and cook until cooked (about 5 minutes).

PS. 麵條在雪櫃中保存最多4天, 
    The homemade pasta can be stored in refrigerator for up to 4 days,
    In the freezer can be stored for up to 1 month.

    創作者 蝸煮 的頭像

    Small House Cooking 蝸煮

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