(P.S. 影片中的為大份量, 以下食材份量已作為4人調節)
Miso soup,
Everyone has tried it in a Japanese restaurant,
Make it is very simple,
You can cook the taste of the restaurant at home~~~
(P.S. That is a large portion in the video, the following ingredients have been adjusted for 4 people)
成品: 4人
For: 4 ppl
烹調時間: 約 18 小時
Cooking Time: Around 18 HRS
Detail on YouTube:
材料 - Ingredients:
日式高湯 - Dashi:
昆布 Kelp - 8 g
鰹魚片(厚) Bonito flakes (thick) - 20 g
冬菇 Shiitake Mushrooms - 3 隻
清水 A Water A - 1 L
清水 B Water B - 1 L
味噌湯 - Miso soup:
日式高湯 Dashi - 1.5 L
裙帶菜 / 海藻 Wakame/Seaweed - 8 g
豆腐 Tofu - 180 g
冬菇(日式高湯) Shiitake Mushroom (Dashi) - 3 隻
味噌 Miso - 40 - 50g
做法 - Method:
1. 先把 昆布 剪成小段, 放入 清水 A 中浸 12 小時;
Cut the kelp into small pieces and soak in water A for 12 hours;
2. 12 小時之後, 把 昆布 取出, 待用;
After 12 hours, take out the kelp and set it aside;
3. 準備湯鍋, 倒入 浸昆布的水 和 清水 B, 之後煮至沸騰後關火, 放入 鰹魚片(厚) 和 冬菇, 蓋上鍋蓋, 1 小時後, 確保水溫在 80c 以下後, 再放入之前取出的 昆布 一起浸;
Prepare the soup pot, pour soaked kelp water and water B, then bring to boiling, turn off the heat. Add bonito flakes (thick) and Shiitake Mushrooms, cover the pot. 1 hour later, make sure the water temperature is below 80c, and then put in the kelp (Taken out before) soaking together;
4. 3 小時之後, 準備隔篩, 再放上一張廚房紙, 之後把 日式高湯 倒在廚房紙上, 慢慢地把所有 日式高湯 過濾;
After 3 hours, prepare a sieve, put a piece of kitchen paper, and then pour the Dashi on the kitchen paper, and slowly filter all the Dashi;
5. 裙帶菜 / 海藻浸水, 浸至軟身後, 去除硬塊和切成小塊, 備用;
Soak the wakame/seaweed in water until soft, remove the hard parts and cut into small pieces, and set aside;
6. 把 豆腐 和 之前隔出的冬菇 切成粒, 備用;
Dice the tofu and the Shiitake Mushrooms (Sieved out from Dashi) and set them aside;
7. 準備湯鍋, 倒入過濾後的 日式高湯, 煮至沸騰後轉小火, 把 味噌 放入隔篩內, 浸在 日式高湯 內攪拌至完全溶化 (味噌內的渣不要), 加入已切成粒的 豆腐 和 冬菇, 先保持在小火煮 30 分鐘;
Prepare the soup pot, pour the filtered Dashi, bring to boiling then turn to low heat, put miso into the sieve, soaking in the Dashi and stir until it is completely melted (Don't need residue from miso), add diced the tofu and Shiitake Mushrooms in, and cook for 30 minutes with low heat;
8. 30 分鐘後, 關火, 放入已切成小塊的 裙帶菜 / 海藻, 蓋上鍋蓋 5- 10 分鐘, 即可。
After 30 minutes, turn off the heat, add the cut wakame/seaweed, cover the pot for 5 to 10 minutes, then serve it.
享用前, 要先攪拌湯, 令沈在底部的 味噌 可浮上來。
Before serving, stir the soup so that the miso can rise from the bottom.
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