滋潤喉嚨, 適合檢測新冠病毒後人士飲用
Moisturing the throat, for those after being tested for new coronavirus
份量 serving : 3 人 ppl
烹調時間 cooking time : 45 分鐘 min
Detail on YouTube:
材料 Ingredients
3 個 (866g) 紅蘋果 Red apple
1 個 (159g) 青蘋果 green apple
15g 乾百合 dried Lily Bulb
1 粒 pc 蜜棗 candied date
58g 冰糖 rock sugar
1750ml 清水 water
方法 – Method:
1. 用鹽洗蘋果, 切開蘋果一半, 去枝, 去尾, 去果核
Wash apples with salt, cut the apple in half, remove branches, bottom part , and cores
2. 浸百合3 分鐘, 倒去水
Soak the lily for 3 minutes, pour out the water
3. 沖洗蜜棗
Rinse the candied dates
4. 凍水放百合及蜜棗, 大火
Put soaked lilies bulb and candied dates in the water, high heat
5. 水滾, 放入切開的蘋果, 中小火
Boil in water, put in the cut apple, medium and small heat
6. 30分鐘後放入冰糖
Add rock sugar after 30 minutes
7. 再煲 15 分鐘後可飲用
Boil for another 15 minutes . can be served
青蘋果比紅蘋果的酸味重些,熱量低,果肉比紅蘋果硬及脆,可以直接食用外, 還用在不同的食譜上, 如 : 沙律、烤、焗、糕點、甜品、果汁、飲品、冰淇淋、果醬,湯水、連護膚、浴室的用品都有它的存在。
Green apples are more sour than red apples, have lower calories, and have harder and crisper flesh than red apples. In addition to being eaten directly, it is also used in different recipes, such as salads, roasts, baked, pastries, desserts, juice, drinks, ice cream, Jam, soup, skin care, and bathroom supplies have their presence.
效用 :
Moisturing the throat , Nourish the stomach and invigorate the spleen, stop diarrhea, promote the growth of young people’s bones, and its smell can soothe the mood
不宜 :
Not suitable:
Those with stomach acid, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold
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