

今集會教大家做一款潮汕食物 - 菜頭丸
This episode will going to teach you, how to make a Chaoshan food - Daikon Ball

成品: 20粒
For: 20pcs
烹調時間: 約1.5小時
Cooking Time: around 1.5 hrs

Detail on YouTube:

材料 - Ingredients:
唐芹 Chinese celery - 1束 (bunch)
蔥 Spring onion - 1束 (bunch)
椰菜 Cabbage - 半個 (half pcs)
白蘿蔔 Daikon - 1條 (1 Whole)
蝦米 Dried Shrimps - 半杯 (1/2 cup)
蕃薯粉 Sweet potato starch - 200 g
菜脯 Dried Daikon - 20 g

做法 – Method:
1. 白蘿蔔刨皮, 刨絲之後, 加入1茶匙鹽, 備用;
   Peel the Daikon. After grating, add 1 teaspoon of salt and set aside.

2. 唐芹, 菜脯 和 蔥切成粒, 椰菜切幼絲
   Chinese celery, Dried Daikon and spring onions, chopped into pieces, Cabbage cut into julienne; 

3. 白蘿蔔加鹽後會出水, 需要倒掉部份水份, 留下小量水份, 加入蕃薯粉, 攪勻備用;
   Daikon will extract water out after adding salt. You need to pour out some water, keep a small amount of water. Add sweet potato starch and mix well, set aside;

4. 先用小量油略炒菜脯, 之後盛起備用;
   Sweating the Dried Daikon with a bit oil first, and then set aside;

5. 同樣先用小量油略炒 唐芹, 蔥粒 和 椰菜絲, 炒時加入小量鹽調味, 之後盛起備用;
   Also sweating Chinese celery, Spring onion and Cabbage with a bit oil first, season with a bit salt when sweating, then set aside;

6. 熱鑊(無需加油), 略炒蝦米至乾身和香味溢出, 之後盛起備用;
   Hot pan (no need to add oil), fry the Dried Shrimps until dry and smell the Dried Shrimps, then set aside;

7. 待所有材料涼後, 加至白蘿蔔混合物中, 攪勻後, 就搓成球形, 放在蒸架內;
   After all the ingredients cooled down, add them into the Daikon mixture, mixed well, and then make into a ball sharp, then put them into steaming rack;

8. 煲滾一鍋熱水, 放上裝有菜頭丸的蒸架, 大火蒸15-20分鐘, 即可食用。
   Boiled a pot of hot water and put the steaming rack with Daikon Balls in, steaming with high heat for 15-20 minutes, after that finish and serve.

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