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Scientific name: Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.
The folk proverb says: "Lotus is a treasure, autumn lotus root is the most tonic."

蓮藕睡蓮科蓮的地下或水中的肥大根莖。其它名稱 : 荷藕、湖藕、蓮菜、蓮根、蓮藕菜、玉節、玉玲瓏、玉臂龍、光旁、靈根
A large rhizome in the ground or in the water of the Nymphaeaceae. Other names: lotus root, lake lotus root, lotus root, lotus root, lotus root, jade festival, Yulinglong, jade arm dragon, Guangfang, Ling

It is originally produced in India and was introduced to China very early. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the cultivation of lotus roots was very common. They were born in tropical and subtropical regions, and the best ones are produced in Zhejiang Province. 

Detail on YouTube: 

份量 : 3 人 PPL
烹調時間 : 2 小時 hrs 

材料 - Ingredients :
982g 一棵泥蓮藕 Mud Lotus Root
100g綠豆 Mung Bean
281g豬脊骨 Pork spine
202g豬肉 Pork 
1/3塊 pcs 陳皮 Dried Tangerine Peel
2 L 公升 清水 Water

方法 - Method:
1. 洗清蓮藕的泥, 把切蓮藕成塊塊 ( 大段的一開8件 ), 切去藕節位;
   Wash the lotus root mud, then Cut the lotus root into large pieces (a large section of 8 pieces), Cut off the junctions parts 

2. 沖洗綠豆
   Wash the Green beans

3. 沖洗豬脊骨和豬肉, 之後把豬脊骨和豬肉在滾水中灼一灼
   Wash pork spine and pork, then blanch the pork spine and pork in the  boiling water

4. 放綠豆在清水中, 開大火
   Put Green beans into water, turn to high heat

5. 10分鐘後放出了水的豬脊骨、豬肉入湯中;
   After 10 minutes, add the blanched pork spine and pork into soup;

6. 20分鐘後放蓮藕, 陳皮, 轉中火;
   20 minutes later, put lotus root, dried tangerine peel, turn to medium heat;

7. 再煲1.5 小時後, 熄火即可。
   After boiling for another 1.5 hour, turned off the heat, serve it.


The lotus root has four seasons and can be seen at any time on the market. It is slightly sweet and crunchy. It is both edible and medicinal. It has high medicinal value because its flowers, roots, leaves, stalks, beards, prickly pear and lotus seeds are all available. It is a treasure; it is not only an auspicious dish that is outdated and festive, but also a must-have gift in traditional Chinese weddings, which symbolizes many children and grandchildren.

食材千變萬化在 : 燉、煲、炆、煎、煮、炒、涼拌、榨汁、生吃、甜品、醃酸、糖製、過年糖果、及磨成粉狀成藕粉加入熱水食用。
The ingredients are ever-changing: stewed, boiled, braised, fried, boiled, fried, cold, squeezed, eaten raw, desserts, pickled sour, sugar, Chinese New Year candy, and ground into powder into lotus root powder and added to hot water for consumption.

蓮藕品種有3 類 : 紅花藕、白花藕和麻花藕。
There are 3 types of lotus root varieties: red lotus root, white lotus root and twisted lotus root.

蓮藕有 7 孔和 9 孔區別,營養價值相同 :
荷花白色,生長的蓮藕是9 孔,體形細長,皮光滑及銀白色,水分高,澱粉少,口感脆嫩。 
The lotus root has 7 holes and 9 holes, and the nutritional value is the same:
The lotus is red, the lotus root growing is 7 holes, the body is short and thick, the skin is brown and yellow, it contains less water, more starch, and the taste is soft and waxy.
The lotus is white, the lotus root growing is 9 holes, the shape is slender, the skin is smooth and silver-white, the water content is high, the starch content is low, and the taste is crisp and tender.

Lotus root has starch, protein, vitamin C, B1, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., suitable for young and old.

效用 : 
Replenishing qi and blood, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood sugar, lowering high blood pressure, reducing heat and clearing heat, clearing heat and quenching thirst, clearing heat and generating fluid, thirst and upset, red eyes, swelling and pain, contraction of blood vessels, hemostasis, nourishing blood, anemia, promoting blood circulation, loss of appetite, health Spleen and stomach, lungs, antiemetic, antidiarrhea, iron deficiency anemia, clear heart and soothe the nerves, moisturize bowel, laxative, indigestion, clearing away heat and toxins, sore throat, short urination.

蓮藕性偏涼,產婦在產後2 個月內不宜食用, 另不宜腹瀉、手腳冰冷、寒性體質、脾胃虛弱者
The nature of lotus root is cold , not suitable for pregnant women within 2 months after delivery , also not suitable for diarrhea, cold hands and feet, cold constitution, weak spleen and stomach

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