每年的秋天, 我都會買雪蓮果來煮湯,
因它真的很潤喉, 飲後喉嚨很舒服,
今次就來煮 雪蓮果紅棗雞湯~~~
Every Autumn, I buy yam to make soup,
Because it moisturizes the throat,
the throat is very comfortable after drinking,
Let's make a Yacon and Red Date with Chicken and Pork Soup~~~
Although it looks like a sweet potato, the flesh is crystal clear, viscous, crisp and juicy, tastes like a pear, and tastes delicious. It is a low-calorie food, but it is cold in nature.
雪蓮果效用/適宜 :
Yacon effect/suitability:
Cholesterol, weight loss, cool annealing, clearing blood and detoxification, acne, constipation, anti-inflammatory and diuretic, clearing liver and detoxification, beautifying beauty, promoting digestion, regulating gastrointestinal tract, laxative, lowering fire, moisturizing intestine, regulating blood lipid
Be aware:
Diabetics, pregnant women
不宜以下人士 :
Not suitable for the following people:
Cold stomach, loose stools, poor intestines
不宜同時進食 :
Not suitable for the following people:
Cold stomach, loose stools, poor intestines
成品 For: 3 - 4人 Ppl
烹調時間 Cooking time: 1小時45分鐘 1 hr 45min
Detail on YouTube:
材料 Ingredients :
462 g 雪蓮果 Yacon
1/2 隻 ea雞 Chicken
242 g 豬𦟌骨 Pork Shank pork
3 ea 紅棗 Red Date / Jujube
15 g 薑 Ginger
4000 ml 清水 water
方法 Method:
1. 沖洗豬𦟌骨和雞(去內臟);
Rinse the pork shank bones and chickens(remove the internal organs);
2. 雞在熱沸水中焯;
Chickens are blanched in hot boiling water;
3. 豬𦟌骨汆水;
Put Pork shank bone in boil water for blanching;
4. 紅棗去核;
Remove the seed of Red dates ;
5. 雪蓮果削皮, 切段, 之後浸在清水中用;
Peel the Yacon, cut into big pieces, then soaking in water, set aside;
6. 準備湯鍋, 放入清水, 大火煮至沸騰, 放入豬𦟌骨, 紅棗;
Prepare soup pot, pour in water and bring to boiling with high heat, then add pork shank bones, red dates;
7. 20分鐘後放入雞隻, 薑;
Add chicken and ginger after 20 minutes;
8. 20分鐘後放入雪蓮果, 轉至小火;
20 minutes later, add yacon, low heat;
9. 45分鐘後關火, 蓋上鍋蓋一陣, 即可。
Turn off the heat after 45 minutes, cover the soup pot for a while, then serve it.
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