

成品: 5 人
For: 5 ppl
烹調時間: 2小時25分
Cooking Time: Around 2.5 HRS

功效: 補氣和中、温內補血、益氣養顏、健脾胃、和胃、養心安神、清心除煩、 安定神經、紓解壓力、潤滑肌膚、預防衰老、消暑除熱、緩解女士們更年期的症候 Efficacy: Invigorate qi and neutralize, warm internal blood, nourish qi and beauty, invigorate the spleen and stomach, clear the nervous and relieve the mind, relieve stress, lubricate the skin, relieve heat, relieve the symptoms of women's menopause 

適宜: 大部份人 
Suitable: Most people 

因質感粗糙,不宜者: 脾胃虛弱者、胃痛、胃酸者、慢性肝病者要少吃 
Due to rough texture, unsuitable to : Those with weak spleen and stomach, stomach pain, and stomach congestion. People with chronic liver disease should eat less

Detail on YouTube:

材料 - Ingredients:
90g 麥米 Pelted wheat
70g 花生 Peanuts
20g 熟薏仁 Cooked barley
1/3 陳皮 Tangerine 
1 pc 片糖 Cane sugar (適量)
2200ml 清水 water
(水份要多, 因麥米吸水, 煮時間長)
(The volume of water is plenty, due to the Pelted wheat absorbs water, and cooks for a longer time)

方法 - Method:
1. 沖洗麥米、花生、熟薏仁
Wash wheat, peanuts, and cooked barley

2. 先倒入花生清水中, 開中火
Put peanuts in water first, turn on medium heat

3. 20分鐘後放入麥米
Put the Pelted wheat after 20 minutes

4. 再過40分鐘後放入熟薏仁
Put in the cooked barley after 40 minutes again

5. 再10分鐘後放入陳皮
Put in tangerine peel after 10 minutes of the above step.

6. 再55分鐘放入片糖
Put in the sugar after 55 minutes of the above step.

7. 20分鐘後關火
Turn off the heat after 20 minutes of the above step.


(註: 麥米預早浸發2小時, 煮的時間可以縮短,清水容量可以減少,煮至麥米軟身 )
( P.s. The wheat is soaked for 2 hours in advance, the cooking time can be shortened, and the water capacity can be reduced, boiling until the wheat is softened)

Wheat rice belongs to millet, which is a kind of flour, and is one of the main foodstuffs. Through processing, the outer skin is removed, leaving brown rice bran homogerm. It has very high nutritional value and contains proteolytic enzymes, multiple vitamins, and diets. High fiber, so it has the function of diet therapy and health care.

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